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Zero-K 1v1 Weekly Tournament Feb. 6th, 2021

5 posts, 396 views
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Hello and welcome back to the fifth week of Lobster Roll weeklies!


A few housekeeping notes:

* No more Challonge check in. Please be either in #zktourney or the discord 10 mins prior to tourney so I can verify you're there. If I don't see you online on either of those, you'll get dropped.

* The rule amendment is also on Challonge, but as of this week the rule is changed to "Lower seeded player or winner of last match" starts the banning process. This is to prevent some weird jank where losers would end up having less control over the map they picked.

* Flat maps, namely comet and cobalt dream, are still out of the pool. I will add 1 of them back next week (tentative on seeing how tanks do this patch).

Signup link is here.

Tournament starts at 19:00 UST.

Rules and such are on the Challonge tournament homepage (SUBJECT TO BE EDITED AT ANY POINT).

STREAM LINK https://www.twitch.tv/dominiccasts

Joining the Lobster Roll Weekly Discord is not mandatory, but encouraged to keep up with updates and pings easier. You can join the discord here.

Other Important Links:

Link to the ranking site.

Link to last weeks ZK tourney post.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
I'll be able to stream: https://www.twitch.tv/dominiccasts
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This map pool looks great - sad to say my poor health still prevents me from joining, otherwise I'd be very much looking forward to this one.

Good luck contenders can't wait to see the stream.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Tourney starts in 15 minutes. Stream link above in OP.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Tourney has concluded.

Updated rankings are live
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