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12Hour1v1Marathon in Preparation for the 1v1 tourney

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4 years ago
Sup Zero k community IM planning a 1v1 marathon from 12 pm (-5 EASTERN) TO 1pm Saturday
any one wants to practice with me are welcome to reserve one or multiple block of time, ill create a room when I'm not playing in a MM1v1 (I know I'm maybe overdoing it... :)
but here is a schedule for any one who would want the privilege (yes, privilege...:p )to play with me

6am-7am Break
1pm-2pm Break

+1 / -0
This sounds hazardous to your health. You should be breaking every hour for 15 minutes and have 8 hours of sleep somewhere in this.

Note: by your "schedule" you're going a full 24 hours with 2 hour long breaks.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
You sure you don't want to sleep before the tournament, there? It'll be going for a good 3 hours once it starts, so unless you go 0-2 you're gonna need to be awake to play at your best.
+4 / -0
4 years ago
not a bad point, ill take a power nap ;')
+0 / -0
Full 8 hours is better for you. You really need sleep otherwise you'll be tired still (which diminishes reflexes and response times). Such little sleep is hard to function. Or at the very get up for a break every hour and walk about for 15 minutes.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
well my day started only a few hour ago I pretty much sleep during the day and play during the night, so I will not be as tired has you all might think but thanks for your concern;)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
unknownrankShaman, actually what you are saying isn't totaly correct.

At the beginning of a longer sleepless time, your refleces even get bether.
Due to the low energy lvl the body start to produce adrenaline to fuel your body.
So u are basically in the same state as if u were in a sitation of danger.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Would enjoy a retrospective update on this experience once all is said and done with the tourney.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
Ok well this isn't as bad as it could be. I'm glad you have some sleep.

Good luck. :)
+1 / -0

4 years ago
<3 mad_kraft
+1 / -0
4 years ago
What an absolute madlad. Although, from personal experience from playing ~10 hour in person tournaments in other games, I'm fairly sure you are going to be pretty roughed up by the end of this.

+1 / -0