The ZK community is mostly friendly and they jape and joke a lot - they may do something that seems toxic at first, but you'll find out later they aren't really toxic themselves. Then there are a few people who are flat out toxic, many who are active all the time and make the whole environment feel toxic, even though it's not.
There are also some unofficial classes you need to be aware of:
-admins (the administrators who run ZK)
-badmins (admins who abuse their power for toxic reasons; fortunately, there are only a few - most of the admins are reasonable people)
-drama seekers (people who cause and are drawn to drama)
-forum dwellers (people who essentially live on the forums)
-nerfherders (people clamoring for unit nerfs every couple weeks)
-lobsters (players with either poor playing skills or insane strategies that will most likely fail)
-toxic people (people who are toxic [a stupid and self-explanatory explanation, but I wanted to include it])
-anarchists (people who seek to overthrow the admins no matter what)
-the masses (everyone else, the normal people who aren't really involved in Zero-K politics, they usually just do the game, not the forums)
To be honest with you, I'm a forum dweller, lobster, and drama seeker.
rockingchairrabbit, if you feel intoxicated by toxic people, join me and my clan, Wa-ter. We will take care of you and, if need be, ward off the oppressors.