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Does your partner AI "talk" to you?

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3 years ago
I've sometimes thought that when my partner AI starts building defences next to my assets, that this is its way of asking for help.

This is probably not true, but is it? Why would it build a defence next to my base, or near some of my solar panels?

Would it be cool if it did tell you when it needed help, or if it was flush and you were struggling that it would offer it?
+3 / -0

3 years ago
I think the same, brother. That would be great if the AI would assist you when you're down or ask for help when its dying.


I've sometimes thought that when my partner AI starts building defences next to my assets, that this is its way of asking for help.

This is probably not true, but is it? Why would it build a defence next to my base, or near some of my solar panels?

I thought it did that to defend your stuff.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
In sc2 you can give commands to AI like expand there, send army there. So could something of this kind be made in Zero-K? Would give more control over AI and could bring interesting possibiblities like AI warfare where players don't play themselves but command AI.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
This is probably not true, but is it? Why would it build a defence next to my base, or near some of my solar panels?

Teamwork. Your solar panels contribute energy to overdrive. Your factories produce units which kill the enemy. It's good to protect them. AFAIK the AI doesn't care too much about who specifically owns assets inside a team when it comes to turret placement.

In sc2 you can give commands to AI like expand there, send army there. So could something of this kind be made in Zero-K?

The technical possibility is there but it would probably require somebody to volunteer to do it because UAranklamer who made the AI seems busy nowadays.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
are you schizophrenic?
+0 / -0
3 years ago
I think that one was about to say "I love you".
+1 / -2
I've just rememebered about how aeonios added taunt function to ZKGBAI, so it would tell you things like "it's over, resign already" when it was sure it had an insurmountable superiority.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
ZKGBAI, so it would tell you things like "it's over, resign already"

if (enemyTeams.size() > 1) {
	say("Resign lobsters!");
} else {
	say("Resign lobster!");

love the attention to detail
+3 / -0

3 years ago
In fact we missed the Ai that tells you 'resign lobsters'. It looks like virtual Firepluk. :)
+2 / -0