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Bans for duck exploiting

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3 years ago
People are stupid and keep exploiting duck bugs.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
just make projectile not live for more than 5 sec and this exploit is gone
+2 / -0
3 years ago
See recent commits in master, i.e. https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/9b7aa4ce39ff3233043e60ea16f1ca6e2914d750
+2 / -0
I don't expect anybody to get banned over this. I expect that it will be patched out pretty promptly.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
USrankLegomenon you mean this: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/311ec04125f49f557e868d3ab2247b339fe550cb

The Duck thing mostly seems to be annoying rather than something that completely break the game.
+5 / -3
3 years ago
Actually, we suffered from that in the desertic island with a pond at the middle, when you start on mesas North and South : The ducks where in the pond, and nothing could hit them while they interdicted all land around (and that's the map where all the middle is two path around the pond).

Tried to urchin' them, but of course got widowed.

In OTA, there was stuff to attack subs from air, but now...
+0 / -0
3 years ago
That was AKilon Wasteland.
+0 / -0
In OTA, there was stuff to attack subs from air, but now...


(it doesn't have sonar though, so you have to first spot the target with something else)
+0 / -0
3 years ago
"The Duck thing mostly seems to be annoying rather than something that completely break the game."


+9 / -0
Looks like another torpedo physics bug. Niche, but these things can outrange bulkheads while being immune to surface weapons... doesn't seem fun to play against if you happened to build on the shore.

With a little luck, you can even outrange urchins, or harass other sea based structures/units with impunity.

You still want torpedos to bounce for coastal urchins to work. Maybe reduce their lifetime once they leave the water after entering it the first time? They still have to be able to chase fast boats.

Hopefully the dolphining fix in recent commits fixes it.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Looks like another torpedo physics bug. Niche, but these things can outrange bulkheads while being immune to surface weapons

They actually can out-range a Shogun - albeit very inaccurately. Still 60 ducks bouncing torpedoes will do way more damage than a single Shogun - and safer.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
ou still want torpedos to bounce for coastal urchins to work

Given how "well" it works i would say considering alternatives to bounce is not out of the question.

For example, Urchin on land could shoot a ballistic projectile to a point above the target which would become a depth charge if it hits water. Then accidentally placing Urchins on land could be less of a meme, even if an unguided ballistic shot would not do great vs anything.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
an unguided ballistic shot would not do great vs anything.

This makes Ravager sad.
+0 / -0
This makes Ravager sad.

Ravager has the option of driving to shove the shot into a mobile target's face, and of driving towards static targets that can't dodge.

GrenadeLauncher!Urchin doesn't have either option.

I guess it could be a fun thing to build in turret wars on a cliff though; perhaps with some ballistic advantage it can outrange Picket.

We need to do research.
+0 / -0
I was on the losing side of this exploit and would consider this game breaking. Usefulness depends a lot on the map.
+2 / -0