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Commanders in CO OP campain

4 posts, 870 views
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3 years ago
is there ANY way to biring commander for each player in co op campain???
i realy with i coud do engenering comander and friends coud do others maybe saparete teams with resurse sharing too?
+3 / -0

3 years ago
This question comes up a lot. It would be nice but I assume disgusting technical limitations stand in the way.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
There isn't a technical limitation. It just seems like a lot of work. Currently hosts only receive the bare minimum information from clients when setting up the game. We would also have to add a way of handling extra teams to every campaign mission. This seems like a bit much for the benefit.

The simplest extra feature would be to only add extra commanders.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
The simplest extra feature would be to only add extra commanders.

With both players able to have differently customised commanders = all that is wanted, I think. No need for them to be on seperate teams.
+1 / -0