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raaar's map bundle / compatibility fix

9 posts, 896 views
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EDIT: I'm using this thread to list my maps suitable for ZK use and related notes.

------------------------------ Original post (early 2023)

A few months ago I made new versions for most of my maps, but renamed a file which caused them to no longer be read properly by ZK's metal spot gadget. I've made a PR with a fix for that ( https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/pull/4848 ).

Here's the map list.

It includes the "east" and "west" variants of the Highway 95 map, which is the only map i've seen people play here on ZK semi-consistently.

------------------------------ Map List (updated 2025-01-02)

Name MinimapLink Latest Update
Highway 95 v8.1 ZK 2024-09-30
Highway 95 West v2.2 ZK 2025-01-02
Highway 95 East v2.1 ZK 2024-09-30
Hexian Arena v4 ZK 2024-06-16
High Forts v4 ZK 2025-01-02
Scorched Crossing v2.4ZK 2025-01-02
The Hole v6 ZK 2024-09-28
Sky Fortress Sigma v6 ZK 2025-01-02
Dockside v2.1 ZK 2025-01-02
River Of Flame v4.5 ZK 2025-01-02
Halean Ruins v2.1 ZK 2025-01-02
Icy Crater v4.2 ZK 2024-10-01
Crucible v3.4 ZK 2025-01-02
Barren Hills v2.2 ZK 2024-10-01
Barracuda Lake v2.2 ZK 2024-10-01
Fifteen Platforms v5.1 ZK 2025-01-02
+13 / -0
23 months ago
The Hole could be featured again, perhaps... that was a cool map. Other look nice as well. Certainly better than some that are featured currently.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
Do these have ZK site links?
+0 / -0
They're on springfiles, do the springfiles maps get automatically added to ZK infra, or is it a manual thing?
+0 / -0

23 months ago
Well I couldn't find one of them, and I'm not sure what is going on with springfiles. Perhaps for them to show up here you need to put them in the "Upload map or game (sd7 or sdz)" box on the right side of the maps page.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
In principle I assume the ZK server could point at the current Springfiles and use it as a mirror, as used to happen with old Springfiles. I am not aware of this being the case at present though.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
I've made two new maps recently, remakes of "Barren" and "Barracuda Bay" maps.

Added links to forum posts with screenshots etc. to the first post.
+8 / -0
I've uploaded new versions of many of my maps to the ZK website.

They bring updates to the metal spot decal gadget that improve compatibility and fix an issue a few users got which caused fps drops every second and also have various gameplay and visual improvements.

Check the updated table on the first post, which now shows minimaps.
+3 / -0
I've updated the other 9 maps on the list and uploaded them to the ZK infrastructure.

The updates include
- mex decal fix
- improved lava and chasm fog
- improved splat detail texture usage
- gameplay changes in a few cases
+3 / -0