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My dog died.

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I cherished him 4 hours until he took his last breath...
He was with me for 15 whole years now, kind of half of my conciouss life...
I knew this day would come, but it came so sudden. I don`t know why we have to go through this, but this is how it is apparently.
Rest in Peace my friend. I will never forget you!

+13 / -0
20 months ago
sorry to hear that, they are with us for only a short time.
+1 / -0
20 months ago
Hope your dog had a nice and happy life! I am always amazed about how much dogs seem to enjoy every moment and seem to live their life so fully.
+1 / -0
20 months ago
I'm sorry to hear that, please take my condolences
+1 / -0
20 months ago
I know your pain, may the dog rest in peace. What was his name?
+1 / -0
20 months ago
Just make an Athena
+6 / -1
20 months ago
I'm so sorry for you loss. It must be so awful to just lose them so suddenly. Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you feel like you want somebody to talk to.
May he rest in peace.
+3 / -0
20 months ago
Sorry for your loss. I know these kinds of experiences can be absolutely brutal...
+1 / -0

20 months ago
I know the feeling. I lost my dog a year ago to diabetic ketoacidosis. Was my shadow for 16 years, she'd often lay next to me while I played ZK or did gamedev. It honestly suck so so so much to lose such a valued and loved family member. I'm very sorry to hear about it, but given most dogs don't live past 13, you probably took very good care of them and gave them one of the best lives they could have.
+4 / -0

20 months ago
Thanks a lot for your support and understanding everyone!

I didn`t get to name him myself, so his name was generically "Spike".
He was originally bought by the ex-boyfriend of my sister when they moved into a new apartment, but after 6 weeks it was clear they couldnt keep them (Spike and one of his brothers). During that time, they often came to my place. When they visited the first time, we had a band-rehearsal going on and there were like 12 people around. And like in a cheap movie, Spike formed a bond almost the first time we saw each other. A few hours later, when it was time to leave, he didn`t want to move away from me. He chose me out of all the people there. So when my sister broke the relationship with Spikes original owner and it became clear she couldn't keep the dogs, I took them under my care. Spikes brother Shane never accepted me really and moved back to my sister a while ago. Spike never changed his mind. He just wanted ME. I would lie if I said I could fully satisfy his needs for attention and love. But I gave what I could.
Like the dog of unknownrankShaman, he was my shadow, he would lay next to me every evening when I played zk, he would wake me up every morning, he would sleep next to my bed every night.
I have had several dogs and other pets over the years, including 6 dogs. So it is not like this was the first one I had to bury. But this one was the most lovable, loyal, gentle, happy and peaceful dog I have ever known. It was a mixture between jack-russel-terrier and pug, one of the first attempts to breed pugs into a healthier state again, without the degenerated eyes and throat, and it worked out pretty well in his case. It wasn`t the prettiest dog. But he had a character that was exeptional. Once I saw him sitting in the garden, and when I opened the door to call him, a whole heap of birds flew away. He was so peaceful and calm that even they were not bothered by his presence next to them... I realize it sounds very idealized what I write here, but that was really how this dog was.
This is why it is the first time I have to share my pain with you folks here. I have lost so many people and pets in the last few years, but this one just hits the hardest. If life was fair, he would have lived another 15 years and died by stroke. But life is not fair and time is merciless.
He was fit and fine until 4 days ago, when he stopped to eat and drink. We took him to the veterinarian immiediatly, and they had to tell us that his organs started to stop working... He got a bunch of very strong painkillers and we took him home so he could die on his turf, with his pack. He died in my arms a few hours later.
I have tried to play since then. I cannot. I hope I will be back soon. I am sorry to burden you with this sad story, but I cannot help it. Spike deserves to be known and remembered. It`s the last thing I can do for him. I am fully aware that this post will seem overly sentimental and naive to some people, but I don`t care.

To quote Loriot, a german comedian:
"Life without pugs is possible, but pointless."

Spike, you were my son and my best friend at the same time. Thank you for everything!

+9 / -0
20 months ago
Man. Sucks. In 2020 my cat-daugher passed.

She hacked a gibson once.

Was a good kitteh, we watched bambi together when she cuddled in front of lappey with me all cold coming from winter.On some walks together some 3 mean cats started to corner us, she snapped at them and chased 3 cats away. Unfontunatelly unlike you i had all to help her out, but my fuckedup militaristic father sabotaged any help for her, i couldnt with that fuckup even give her an IV at peace. She had some tummy cancer, and turmeric + coconutoil + vitc sorts it out straight on. There are many studies in that regard...


Most likely looks in your case like accidental chocolate eating or some plant or shroom or something that caused rapid onset of it, usual go to is tummy cleansing, the poisoning route, but like in case someone will have similar thing... Sucks that it happened. When its time to go its time to go, but not for something silly like that, theres often some wiggle room to fight for another.
+1 / -0

20 months ago
Respect for your pain!
It is said that a dog never completely leaves its master.
I believe it
+1 / -0
20 months ago
I am grateful you trusted us (this community) to share this sad news but wonderful story! Even if not everybody will openly admit it, I think everybody hurts some times, some people just choose to hide it. Kudos for you that you share it, for me it was not overly sentimental.

Come and play whenever you feel ready again, I am sure (at least some of us) we will still be here to share both the great victories and the annoying defeats!
+2 / -0
20 months ago
I’d like to join those offering condolences. Nothing’s worse than having to go through this alone, so I’m glad you have someone to share it with, and I hope you can take comfort in the thought that the ones we love are not really gone as long as they are remembered.
+4 / -0