The new(?) rev trick shot is cool, seeing the rockets spread out like fireworks is great fun. On ISIS there is a natural wall allowing the trick to be pulled off with ease. Unfortunately, this means the Revenants are near-completely immune to AA. Artemis, Chainsaw and basically any mobile AA will hit the wall doing zero damage. Example replay (Team would have lost anyways, I know): terraformed Artemis makes the trick more difficult, but not impossible. Taking a hit from Artemis just means you have to go back, repair and try again.
+0 / -0
At around minute 6, west player AliyKorov ground targets 3 revenants on the edge of a peak at 350 elo above. Most of the rockets crash on the ground. Some deviate high and end up raining down on essentially nothing. It deals 0 damage, though the rockets did fly, oh, around 3-4 times the normal tergeting range of the revenant maybe? Much later on the same strategy is used with 13k worth of revenants. By the time there are enough shields in the east to block everything, so it's hard to say if it would have done anything. It also smoothens the terrain, putting a lifespan on the strategy. It's also 13k, which is serveral times the cost of other units that would have been far more effective. This is reminiscent of the duck force fire trick, but much more expensive and much less effective. At its best, it creates a pretty flower of rockets... or at least that's what it did in this match.
+7 / -0
Please patch, its annoying and breaks game experience. Sure you can deal with it but its hard. The insane range and spread is a nightmare to deal with.
+0 / -0
So this has been discussed in-game. To recap: 1) It's not OP. Shields can deal with it. Tremor has about the same range and can deal more damage over time for less metal, manual fiddling and effort. Multiple Tremors are way more dangerous. 2) The advantage Revenant has over Tremor is that it cannot be killed by one of the banes of my life, Impaler. Anything that pushes back against Impaler as the ruler of all artillery is a good thing imho. 3) It's not even a bug. It's a case where the game's engine mimicks real-life battlefield tactics. If you poke around a bit on footage of the Ukraine war, you will see both sides using attack helicopters pitched upwards firing unguided rockets in a parabola as an ersatz artillery unit. I thought it was very cool that the game was able to replicate this.
+4 / -0
It's been done in the past. The end of the argument last time was that 1 tremor was cheaper and more effective than a rev with a teraformed platform. Other units can use a similar strategy. I believe catapult can use this trick to extend range as well.
+2 / -0
Leave it be, it looked indeed nice, for me looked like fireworks. Think of the poor specs that are bored in porcy games, they need the optimisms of some flower/fireworks!
+3 / -0
I agree that you can negate the damage done with shield spam or by tremoring the spike/wall. However, the problem is that it is nigh-unkillable when behind a wall rather than a simple spire. Tremor has millions of counters, since it is stuck on the ground and has to pack up before moving. Likewise, Merlin is a slow juicy target for scythes and snitches and basically anything. Yes, it's fun to look at and it makes sense that it exists. But, AA has to be able to kill air. That's a basic rule in this game. If we want to keep it, then maybe Artemis missiles have to be smarter like cruise-missiles or hunter-seekers?
+0 / -0
Has anybody tried eos or inferno against it yet? Chances are that Silo may solve this hassle too.
+0 / -0
I tried, got a hit, bit gunships move too often. And it is not fun playing against this attritional nightmare. I would be ok if the number of missiles was maybe nerfed, but the current amount is just annoying.
+0 / -0
Something to keep in mind is that Aliy had ~10k worth of revenants. Things like Jack drops, Snitch drops, and Scythe fac snipes seem really effective until you factor in their cost. 3 Merlins or a Paladin would've been far more efficient. There are some counters I can think of. For example, 3 Likhos can dispatch a revenant ball with zero issues. If AA is an issue you can cloak/shield them beforehand (though that would be somewhat risky here). To deal with wall you could've used a couple Quake missiles and let Artemis take care of the rest.
+3 / -0
Weapon range always stood out as very weird to me. Most things in the game "make sense", but not this. It's obviously important for the balance, but it's weird that units just refuse to shoot in certain ways, even though it's technically possible, to break the range limitation, as in this case. Another similar thing is how AA wont shoot ground units, yet it tries to shoot com drones, damaging shields sometimes. If it can do that, why not just shoot at shields always? (I know, balance). Not an issue, but it breaks a sort of "immersion".
+3 / -0
  gooseman yeah I agree it is odd. Gameplay wise you'd either have to get rid of a lot of fun projectile weapons or give them a slow and high trajectory to achieve balance, which is not fun. Lore wise I always envisionioned units being unable to target each other due to distance (glaives are the size of pine trees after all) and some sort of electronic countermeasures.
+0 / -0
I forgot to mention that, on several occasions, the artemis was able to get a surprising arc shot on the revenants and AliyKorov came very close, several times, to lose an entire group of revenants all at once. I don't think the strategy is as safe as advertised, or the execution in this game was subpar. It usually results in the revenants stacking to force fire the same exact point, so splash damage would be VERY effective against them. AliyKorov did, however, have the sense to retreat and repair the revenants every time. I'm pretty sure more damage was done via artemis damaging but not killing the revenants than the force fire stray rockets. The artemis also shot a couple of missiles into the center wall, probably due to a combination of it not being raised enough by a small margin and the revenants floating up and down a little, becoming intermitently targetable.
+1 / -0
Noone bothered by rev being that tanky tho?
+2 / -0
They're so slow. They kind of have to be. They're technically assaults, aren't they?
+0 / -0
Still super fast and can fly, its about as close as you get to a very good multi role unit. Sure its a bit pricy but you get: A tanky, all terrain, fast (its still prob the fastest assault/arty), insane range, large aoe/spread, anti cloak, riot, anti heavy (you can always pop up from the wall to burst a comm or strider), high attrition unit... it does a lot of things, very well. You can send a pack almost anywhere and build a small wall to cover it.
+0 / -0
Maybe the tactic has improved since last weekend, but I played with the guy (he lost), against the guy (he lost), and spec'ed a game (he lost). The game I was against him, perhaps saying more about myself than him, I didn't even realize what the rockets were as we were busy kicking his team off the megamex. The game I spec'ed, he had 18 revenants and came close to one-shotting a paladin, but he proceeded to sit on his precious until things got so bad that they met their inevitable, and unglamorous, end. I could see the tactic being annoying, perhaps even important on the right map, but mostly it looks like a way to tie up a lot of metal in a purpose that is neither economy nor offensive. No doubt the right player could take it farther than I witnessed. A person doesn't get 18 revenants by being super useful to the team, as a rule.
+1 / -0
Well so far the whole thing is prob still experimental, but clearly a player with 6-8 rev can control a large section of the map. They dont even have to be super effective, just annoying enough to force massive aa investments. The attrition is real, having rev that damage/kill small units while taking no damage themselves can snowball...
+0 / -0
I'm more afraid of jack drops or something like that, also allegedly unprofitable, but poo-my-pants scary.
+0 / -0