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Mono-composition gamemode idea

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16 months ago
In StarCraft, there is the mono-composition gamemode, where only one combat unit is allowed.
Let's make something similar in Zero-K!

Proposed idea: Every factory gets randomly assigned a single unit that can be made, for each of the factories. (Only glaives for cloakbots, only rogues for shieldbots, etc) This is the case for every player.

For 1vs1, as an option, make factories cheaper to supplement the fact that... every player will have one factory.

+0 / -0
So its time for LEGENDARY lobster battle?

Sure YOU can do it (code and all the stuff). We will wait.
+0 / -0
assigned only non lethal unit? gg
all fac only get their aa unit? gg
no cons? gg
water map with no underwater hit? gg
+1 / -0

16 months ago
assigned only non lethal unit? gg
all fac only get their aa unit? gg
no cons? gg
water map with no underwater hit? gg

Non-lethal units (gunship transport, owls) are always enabled.
Constructors are always enabled.
Every factory gets a different "class" of a unit. (Aka it's impossible for two riot units to be unlocked for any player)
Water maps... hahah, they require a different approach. For now, it's easiest to ban them.

Good notes.
+1 / -0
all defenses enabled too?
porc might be super op depending on what units there are... (imagine getting firewalker as your only arty)
+2 / -0
16 months ago
We used to do this.

Hermit V thug was the matchup to end all match ups though.
+2 / -0