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Static AA and Fighters/Gunships

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13 years ago
A flak gun shot down fighters in the second world war, but not the fighers today !!

Now we use weapons like Hacksaw or chainsaw.

I think about a rebalance of the AA weapons.

--- Suggestion ---

Razor's Kiss: Faster box/unbox, 150 dmg/s, -15% range

Hacksaw: range +10%

Flak: each shot 315 dmg, 1 1/3 shots/sec, Air units can't be targeted, target ground units in 1/5 of range

Chainsaw: each shot 85 dmg, 4 shots/sec, -15% range

--- Effects ---

Flak works only against Gunships ( Not against gnat spam - you need defenders, llts or Razor's Kiss )

Hacksaw protect a larger area from Precision Bombers or Lichos ( if you build 2 or 3 of them )

Razor's Kiss is now a single point protection, but works great against air spam and can't get destroyed from air like till now.

Chainsaw - is now a very effective AA, but can't used anymore to shot down fighters over the enemys territory.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Static AA already has diverse roles. I don't think things need rebalancing into different roles.

Razor exists to be hard to kill, DPS is suppose to be low. Hacksaw is the main single target protection, giving it more range would increase the overlap witb the role of Chainsaw. Reduced Chainsaw range and increased DPS increases this overlap. Units should not be balanced towards the average.

The Flak change is too much of a special target rule. Which units are Air? Flak works vs gunships but not gnat? I would like to keep target categories as simple as possible.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Anything from the air-pane fab but not the con

Anything else like Athena, reef helis, funshit-fab-units
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> Razor exists to be hard to kill, DPS is suppose to be low.

But maybe it isn't a really good AA but works well as a anti pene wall =D
( If you set hold fire )

> Hacksaw is the main single target protection, giving it more range would increase the overlap witb the role of Chainsaw.

Hacksaw is useless against bomb drones.
Chainsaw should be more useless against bombers and better against fighters or spam in a large area.

> Reduced Chainsaw range and increased DPS increases this overlap.

It would overlap with a flak gun, but I think flak shouldn't help against air.

And Hacksaws can protect the chainsaw area from lichos with because the area behind causes licho to stay a longer time in range of the AA

( The Hacksaws doesn't replace an Aegis )

> Units should not be balanced towards the average.

That's the reason why I try to suggest different units for airpanes and funshits
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Accurate turrets are quite good defence against small and medium gunships. Things like LLT, Defender, Stardust and Faraday. I think they work if you want very cheap light single target defence against gunships.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
defender / llts against a brawler or a black dawn?

Stardusts have a low range exspecially against air, and you need at least 2 faradays against heavy gunships + the AA that would killt this gunships.

Shouldn't be stationary AA cheaper than the gunships ?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Static aa is good enough and all have special purposes maybe hacksaw need faster shooting or bigger range (bomb with licho hacksaws it is quite a pwnage) But mobile aa is useless so useless that is absolutely not worth building. Maybe maybe spiders are good, or jumpy anything else = crap. I dunno how much cloaky aa needed to stop licho probably 2x cost and licho still drops bomb? or 3x? flakers are bombed easily too. In fact any mobile aa gets bombed as if there was no aa :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> Accurate turrets are quite good defence against small and medium gunships.

> defender / llts against a brawler or a black dawn?
> Shouldn't be stationary AA cheaper than the gunships ?
Defender is cheaper than light gunships. Flak is cheaper than Brawler or Blackdawn.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
but the aoe avoids that they survive much longer if they are next to another
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