Seems like there are multiple variables you could solve for here.
"exit setup faster": [like in the article]
One option: Start the game with a free sparrow, somehow I feel this would limit creative openings a bit too much.
Another option: Engineer coms start with sparrow in the "engineer slot" regardless of fac. OP? Idk..
"sizeable army earlier":
One option: Facs have coupons too, can insta-build 1k worth of units.
Another option: Facs spawn in a few raiders to kickstart your army.
Both of these could lead to extremely quick matches, but I think it would somehow streamline play too much.
"sizeable economy earlier":
One option: First con is plopped together with the fac for free. Really hard to theorycraft on this one..
Another option: Increase com passive income. Also hard to figure out what this would do to the game.
"game over faster":
Lose commander = auto-resign. Would make FFA more fun to watch. And possibly even more disheartening to play.
Note that this is unlike BAR, where whole team can survive on one com..