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Banshee with frikkin flamethrowers

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The banshee is a piece of shit. It can't be massed, it dies from a gust of wind and if anyone ever uses it, they're branded a noob.

Rapiers have pretty much taken over it's role and Harvey just proposed something to me. Have the Banshees use Flamethrowers. An actual weapon that fits its raider role.
Flamethrower -> Ignition of weak structure (Mex, Wind) -> Move onto the next target while the buildings afterburn.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The gunship lab is already one of the most aggressive rush-oriented structures - flamethrowers will only make this worse.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it may stop the fuckin irritating rushes of silly BD and Brawler though.
and banshee IS a piece of underpowered shite so yeah, do eeet
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Eh, to me it is still the best weapon with gnats when attacking undefended positions.(due to the long reload times of reapers)
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12 years ago
Banshee is best antiflea, can kill windfarms well too. Though it sux against eveything else including raiders like bandits.
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12 years ago
If I were going to change up the Banshee's weapon, I'd give it a more riot-y armament - a heavy machine-gun or a riot cannon.
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12 years ago
I think banshee is same as fea in spider factory and it fits its role perfectly.
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12 years ago
flea costs 20m, banshee costs 220m.. no similarity in role or usage.

banshee is indeed horrible.
+0 / -0
ITS FLYING! you can outrun anything with it, kill eco and die like a hero. Nowadays nobody makes banshees in early games, try to make one and then queue BD or whatever and while BD is being built harass theyr eco, annoy them and so on, it works surprisingly well you will kill some early windfarm and few mexes or constructors.

Maybe its LOS could be bigger. I dont really remember can you outmanuever defenders, but you really should be able to do so.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
then they make AA and rape your late BD.
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12 years ago
Eh, I think people are thinking about it wrong. To me, Banshee+Gnat swarms are still preety evil. Agianst an unprotected area they can tear up stuff preety easily(especially agianst low HP groups like hovers).

Added to it all this talk about Riot Weapons and Flamethrowers to me just doesn't work that well for a Gunship as you loose so much of the burst to the height difference.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
un-protected areas can be raped by a flea.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Here's the thing - the three pure-combat gunships have a similar DPS/Cost. 0.21 for the BD, 0.23 for the Brawler, and 0.26 for the Banshee.

The brawler fires from a range and height that allows it comparative impunity vs. non-AA weapons, making it the most "hard-countery" of the gunships lab. The Blackdawn alphastrikes like a mofo allowing it to eradicate the high-value target before the enemy can react. Both of those are thus ideal platforms for rushing.

Meanwhile, the Banshee has neither of those. It just goes fast.
+0 / -0
flea costs 20m, banshee costs 220m.. no similarity in role or usage.

...making it cheaper, then?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
itt, people who never use banshee talking about bansheee
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Harvey: Depends on what you call "unprotected" I mean Ive routed small squad with the swarms, and it takes more than 1 dorky riot or raider among them to mess it up(not to mention you can always emp the riot or lone AA and laugh as you roast the rest, and if hes thrown tons of metal into AA units to protect, well thats the crutch of Gunships and it may be time to get land units.
+0 / -0
Well I did have used banshees and raped early eco sometime ago a lot, but those who post above me maybe have not. If you give it a lot DPS it will die or win. And such things really sucks.
+0 / -0
banshee needs a weight reduction rather than buffs imo.
220 -> 200m would make a big difference in terms of early game affordability.
Its HP/DPS ratio is closer to an assault than a raider right now, so taking the weight reduction from its HP and leaving the 66dps intact would result in a more useable raider.

bearing in mind banshee is competing with napalm bomber as an early game air harass choice... currently you would be insane to choose banshee.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
No more comments on the Flame weapon idea?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
A weight-reduction would be nice, actually - it would encourage players to experiment with Banshees.

However, all gunships need assaultishness because they take so much fire from AA weapons. It's unfortunate but it's the nature of ZK air.
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