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Specific Unit Guides discussion

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12 years ago
For those of you who don't know yet, I have created (with no small amount of help from others in the community) a page on the ZK Wiki dedicated to providing detailed guides on the stats and usage of specific units. After a brief hiatus I've come back and decided I'd like to see this project complete, so I'm going to take it a step further. Here you can post suggestions on what I should change in the guide, what units I should probably do next, vital strategies to include for certain units etc. I want to get as much help as possible from you guys 'cause most of you know more about this stuff than I ever will, so the more support I can get, the better the quality of the guide.

The guide is currently posted in the Tutorial section in the ZK Lobby, but its source is the original Wiki entry.

Here's the link to the guide;
+0 / -0
Thanks a lot for those well written guides!

I'd like to see something about the felon.
I often play shields, and its very very infrequent for me to use this unit. Its a double-edged sword: unless you are providing it with lots of shield power, its a risk for your other shielded units, because of the shield drain. Many times, I've seen players making 1 felon + 2 thugs... then try to kill some high HP unit (reaper for example). Result: felon damage a bit the enemy, drains the thugs shields and loose firepower due to it, then all 3 units get killed much faster than if metal had been invested in thugs only.

Something about scythes would also be nice. It is invaluable as a spotter for arty, especially considering radar wobble + precise arty (merl or sharpshooter)... and underused (in my opinion).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You can use Jethros for spotters now. They cloak, have similar decloak radius, and have higher los.

More suited to the scout role than scythe. Scythe is really more for raiding. A pair of scythes will easily down an llt and surrounding mexes before disappearing into thin air. Four or five can smash factory and nanos before significant response can be mustered.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
AA bots have a huge los - due to their high range.

Maybe rename it into "cloaked AA-bot / visual scout"?
We don't even need a mobile radar with this anymore :D

only remember to use holdfire, or the enemy use a gunship or an plane (or even com drones) to dive into jetros range and decloak it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
question: how do you get the unit's values? do you have to edit everything when a new version makes new balances? automatism would be great.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
good question mojj... I was wondering too whether the "values" should actually be generated based on unitdef, and if maybe, the whole guide should be in the unitdef itself so it could be used by the game, either by a widget and/or to display guides on load screen.

I'm sure the tutorial missions could make good use of those guides if it was available. Maybe there could be some integration with the manual.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Setokaiva - thanks for all your work on that page, and please keep it coming! Your write-ups are interesting and informative and very well-written. This is the kind of stuff we need to help attract and retain new players.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Why is the build time unassisted there? It will always be cost/10 + the time it takes to leave the factory. I don't think the number is important enough for the prominence given to it (assisting is very common) and it is easy to calculate yourself.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
OK, I went ahead and removed the build time unassisted brackets. I kinda thought that was unnecessary myself. I'll work on more units later.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Banshee beats Rapier easily. I just tried 10 Rapier vs 10 Banshee, 3000 cost vs 2200 cost, with focus fire and 3 Banshees survived. Additionally Banshee has an extreme speed advantage so would decide when to engage and is able to retreat. If you feel completely unable to chase Rapier (as would happen if there was static AA nearby) then Banshee should avoid Rapier due to it's burst. Otherwise Banshee can clean them up.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The recent changes help this a lot.

Banshee being good against gunships is a fine dynamic IMO given that rapier is good vs planes.
+0 / -0
Changes made to Banshee. Also finished Scythe and added the Merl. Thanks alot for your help, keep it coming, guys!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Added the Infiltrator and Crabe; made some changes to the Banisher. Fleshed out subgroup description for Spiderbots.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
'Heatlth' against Dominatrix capture is based on unit HP. Tremors smooth the terrain when they fire so they can also reopen a Dirtbaged area to tanks.
+0 / -0
Added: Stiletto, Penetrator

I already have that info on the Dominatrix and Tremor.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Health is actually based on unit cost... idk why I said HP earlier.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
... that seriously needs to be more obvious. I'd assumed the change to weapon-based capturing meant that the target's capture-health was equivalent to their regular and stun-healths.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Added: Goliath, Scallop, Buoy
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Pxtl, the change meant that units take increased capture damage after being damaged just like emp- and slow does.
Eg.: A unit with 50% hp takes double capture-, emp- and slow damage.
+0 / -0
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