This is work in progress
I tried to modify the army men according the true comments to have make them better readable. I tried to ad color difference, halo and background ccolor. I am not happy with the result myself. Although they read pretty well individual they lack good read in the battle list. I skip the armymen for now. Here are the pictures anyway, someone might get ideas from it or use part of icons.

Here are some AI icons:

So I have now 2 different concepts, the simple one and the total rankoverviews.
The simple overview has coal,bronze, silver, gold, diamond leagues.
These are the standard colors but the best for easy recognition. The XX are the progress in a 'league'. Also the face looks more confuzed at low rankings. mod and dev are depicted with little icons. Possible to add hats or something for kudos. colored background for self or friend.

The total overview of rankings does forfill all requirements of the picture + some extra.
- 1v1 elo = crown (5 leagues, 2 progressions per league) so 10 levels for about 100 elo difference in between levels.
- team elo = sweater (5 leagues, 5 per league) so 25 levels for about 50 elo difference in between levels. Godde will be only one in diamond league but thats ok I think.
- experience/level = face progression ( sun tanning / less confuzed face and then afterwards beard or robot transformation)
- friend / self = colored background
- mod/dev = tools/icon in upper corners
- kudos (can be the robot transformation, different headgear or instead of current chevron (cause there is already level/experience progression), whole picture can then be reserved for special icons, kudos, mod, dev. Which I prefer cause then these can be cool pictures instead of small changes which conflict with good quick reading of lobby overviews and requires less different pictures total.
It requires massive amount of different pictures anyway, so I want to know opinions first about the design (I already try to make the pictures more natural looking, especially the sweater without crosses needs some details added).
Also if it is possible to add all rankings in 1 picture, I assume it is because they are already recorded and displayed. And if it is possible to make some kind of script to combine a specific crown + specific sweater + specific face + (mod/dev icon) + background, instead of making them all.

robot theme to fit zero-k atmosphere and some background color tests: