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[req] dude icons

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12 years ago
I really had troubles understanding what is depicted at first probably because too strong shoulders.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ok, that's more helpful. You would need veteran bias to think of glaive icons as machinery, because you already know it's a robot. The natural inclination of people is to find human shapes in objects; this is why we can look at a futuristic suit of armor and see a person there.

If the image is bad and indistinct though, then it is just bad and indistinct. I'll try to tweak it, although it is literally just a vector trace over a screenshot.

I want it to look like a glaive, because it has a humanoid shape, but mostly because it is the iconic unit of zk.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
On a slighly off-topic note, what do people think of color-based leagues, such as in Shadowfury's proposal? It makes for a pretty obvious and distinct system, although the major problem is it would make planetwars faction colors potentially confusing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The problem with leagues are that we are too few players to make use of them. Yeah, it looks nice, but currently we can't do matchmaking etc. in leagues, cos we barely fill 1 cai and 1 team game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Leagues would be for aesthetics mostly, not actually to split the playerbase.

Actually it isn't much different in starcraft 2. League is different than your hidden real ranking, so you will often find yourself matched against players in a higher or lower league.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it would make planetwars faction colors potentially confusing.

Faction is also displayed as icon for clanless people, right?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is work in progress

I tried to modify the army men according the true comments to have make them better readable. I tried to ad color difference, halo and background ccolor. I am not happy with the result myself. Although they read pretty well individual they lack good read in the battle list. I skip the armymen for now. Here are the pictures anyway, someone might get ideas from it or use part of icons.

Here are some AI icons:

So I have now 2 different concepts, the simple one and the total rankoverviews.

The simple overview has coal,bronze, silver, gold, diamond leagues.
These are the standard colors but the best for easy recognition. The XX are the progress in a 'league'. Also the face looks more confuzed at low rankings. mod and dev are depicted with little icons. Possible to add hats or something for kudos. colored background for self or friend.

The total overview of rankings does forfill all requirements of the picture + some extra.
- 1v1 elo = crown (5 leagues, 2 progressions per league) so 10 levels for about 100 elo difference in between levels.
- team elo = sweater (5 leagues, 5 per league) so 25 levels for about 50 elo difference in between levels. Godde will be only one in diamond league but thats ok I think.
- experience/level = face progression ( sun tanning / less confuzed face and then afterwards beard or robot transformation)
- friend / self = colored background
- mod/dev = tools/icon in upper corners
- kudos (can be the robot transformation, different headgear or instead of current chevron (cause there is already level/experience progression), whole picture can then be reserved for special icons, kudos, mod, dev. Which I prefer cause then these can be cool pictures instead of small changes which conflict with good quick reading of lobby overviews and requires less different pictures total.
It requires massive amount of different pictures anyway, so I want to know opinions first about the design (I already try to make the pictures more natural looking, especially the sweater without crosses needs some details added).
Also if it is possible to add all rankings in 1 picture, I assume it is because they are already recorded and displayed. And if it is possible to make some kind of script to combine a specific crown + specific sweater + specific face + (mod/dev icon) + background, instead of making them all.

robot theme to fit zero-k atmosphere and some background color tests:

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like them. They have quite a bit of information within them and look people-like. With that much information there should be a good spread of different characters within a group of people.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Or its too much Information. Be careful Not to overwhelm the user and spread confusion. Anyway good work.
+0 / -0
Thats why I would like to use the current chevron to replace with icons for things like dev/mod self/friend and kudos. So only 3 different things remain to display. I think it is actually more confuzing to have 2 ratings.Chevrons are instantly recognized as ranking, so I think newbies dont recognize pictures as ranking if they are shown both.
Besides the effect that is saves lots of icons to draw.

25 sweaters X 10 crowns X 12-15 faces
instead of 25 X 10 X 12-15 X 2(dev) X 2(mod) X 2(self) X 2(friend)

Around 3000 which is doable instead of around (48k X kudosicons) lol

I will make an example of how I imagine it in lobby when family business is over.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah we could overhaul it too..
problem is shevron in that case would have to show both skill and experience which could be hard to design well.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Experience Ranking = chevron design
Skill Ranking = color
+0 / -0
i just cant quite relate to them on a personal level, them being meatbags and all...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
look at the icons at the bottom CZrankAdminLicho.

- crown (top part of icon)is 1v1 elo ranking. Harder to see than sweater but you only have 1 opponent to look at)
- face progression (middle part of icon), tanning and beard/robot transformation is experience level. pale ones are newbies and bearder/robots are verterans.
- sweater (bottom part of icon) is teamranking. A quick glance give you information of elo (low, below average, average, above average and high) based on the color. I you want more exact you can look at crosses.
+0 / -0
USrankluckywaldo7 his idea sounce good, chevron for experience and colour for skill would work well.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Black kudos for Anarchid :D

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I liked your soldier icons more than robo kings. Robo kings have poor contrast and they just look too foreign/confusing to me.

Colored chevron would liberate "dude" icons basically.. they could serve as awatars and each player could pick his prefered one.

Maybe that's the way to go rather than trying to stick too much into one icon? What others think?

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Color-coded chevrons ftw.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Colored chevron. It's unambigous that it describes something (skill/level or both) and can be figured out. For the current avatars, new players won't be able to understand what they mean.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i cant understand what they mean myself, at a glance they all look the same

i agree it should just be symbols/leters/chevrons, they are far more sraight forward and distinguishable
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