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Zero-K v1.1.1.1 & Bombard Commander

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12 years ago
A new commander has been added with model by CaptainBenz. The effect of the energy investment reimbursement system has been reduced.


  • New Bombard Commander
  • Battle Commander damage bonuses halved; removed artillery options.
  • Strike Commander range bonus replaced with speed bonus (same percentages).
  • New Rail Accelerator weapon mod for Gauss Rifle.
  • Integrated Radar Module cost 450 -> 300.

Overdrive Reimbursement

  • Maximum repayment rate from 80% to 50%.
  • Energy source repayment factor from 150% to 100%.


  • Fix for lagmonitor transfers.
  • Probable fix for overdrive irregularities.
  • Fix Singularity reactor hitbox which could cause labhax.


  • Changed tooltips for Attack and Fight to make sense for their new default hotkeys; F for attack ground and A for fight. This is in line with all other RTS which use A for attack move.
  • This change barely affects current players because hotkeys are only set to default upon a setting reset.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
To celebrate this release, i've now renamed all my custom commanders into <medieval thing><commander> scheme!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wow! I'm amazed my suggestion for the a-f key switch was implemented so quickly.

Thanks for the constant stream of updates!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
... but when I want to attack a cluster of units and drag a box/circle around them, with the new keybinds I now have to use the "F" key? Or have you managed to separate attack from attack-ground?

I need to suck it up and set up a Recon Commander, apparently.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Pxtl you are not a new player so you don't have to do anything.

The hotkeys have just been swapped for new configs. It is very simple. So box is F.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
From now on I hate MauranKilom.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No, I know that... I just like to try and keep up with the UI changes anyways.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skasi nah better suggest to add a switch for the attack/fight keybind in settings ;)
+0 / -0
People can already change hotkeys. Defaults should make sense, ie J for Jump, M for Move, P for Patrol, R for Repair, S for Stop, E for Eat, F for Fight, A for Attack.. you get the point.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
aww now need new com slot..
+0 / -0

12 years ago
A for attack move
F for force attack
+0 / -0
There's no way around conflicts in the a-f-topic.

If you keep it the previous way, newbies will have a hard time getting used to the controls (which already happens enough in other places, say leftclicking the minimap doesn't work). Streamlining (at least) default hotkeys with other RTS will always be a good idea.

If you just make a the hotkey for fight and f for attack then ofcourse it won't make sense, but the meaning of the command names doesn't change (i believe that's what happened, and it's in my eyes the most comfortable way for everyone).

If you completely exchange fight and attack (that is, fight means attack ground and attack the previous fight or attack-move, a chance code-wise if you will) then current players will get messed up big time (although their hotkeys stay the same). They'd have to change the attack command to f and the fight command to a in order to have their play unaffacted. So for new players the hotkeys will make sense, but not for the current ones (and it would mean extra work).

Edit: Oh, Licho found a nice way to make sense of it :D
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Since existing players don't have their UI keys modified unless they re-install, it seems like there would be no huge issue, so long as most experienced players don't reinstall often.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
While we are at it, could somebody update the commander guide wiki (http://zero-k.info/Wiki/CommanderGuide)?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And if I press "attack" and pick a target, what happens?

It's still counter-intuitive, but in a different direction.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And if I press "attack" and pick a target, what happens?

Even better: you press attack and drag. What does the red circle do?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
why nerf the battle commander?
+0 / -0
The change was done in order to make things easier for newbies. Consider the following scenarios (in the perspective of a newbie):

- "A" for attackground: You want to attackmove your units against the enemy. But all your units attack the same patch of ground. Horribly frustrating, since your units get bashed into the dust without even harming the enemy.
- "A" for attackmove: Attackmoving works as expected, but you can't target specific enemy units. But at least your units do something to harm the enemy.

Actually, forceattack to target specific units is much more logical than attackmove on specific units. And if you get into more "advanced" tactics like focus firing, having to learn to use a different hotkey isn't all that bad.

We won't be able to put both attackmove and focusfire on a single hotkey. However, the new solution is (as shown above) immediately less confusing/gamebreaking as the previous one.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Does the rail accelerator mod apply to the shock rifle? For the matter, do gauss rifle mods in general apply to the shock rifle?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't think so, Fireplace, because it's not a Gauss rifle anymore. It is "converted", i.e. changed into a new state. In my view it is meant to convey that the change is so fundamental that the old weapon effectively ceases to exist.
+0 / -0
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