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Why is the game using the 91.0 engine? 94.1 is out now.

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11 years ago
So, why is the game not using the latest version of the Spring engine? I had to compile* 91 to be able to join games, because my Linux auto updated my game to 94.1. Will the games go to 94.1 soon? I know zerok skiped over 92 and 93.

*except it doesnt work correctly. ChilliUI doesn't load.
+0 / -0
There are a lot of new bugs in 94.1. The engine devs don't like consistent compatibility (although it is to d with broken things like ATI drivers).

91.0 works for everyone and 94.1 doesn't seem to have many improvements. We'll get around to updating eventually and everyone can help by playing test games on the test hosts. ZKL supports multi-engine so those users don't have to do anything. The test version of ZK is supposed to run with 94.1.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I cant find the replay now but me and aiphee played a chicken game on the test host and when 4 chickens got stuck the whole game lagged by 10 minutes and increased with every second.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Um... GoogeFrog, yanom was talking about Linux and ZKL still doesn't work on Linux.

So yeah, you'll have to rely on Windows users to test 94.1.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yanom, If you are using 64-bit Linux, you can play ZK with
I have instructions for getting 91.0 there on the help tab, no compiling.
It also supports multiple engines, so it will auto-download 94.1 for games that have it, and run ZK games with the 91.0 once you get it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It is not true that only windows users can test 94.1. I use springlobby on Xubuntu 12.10 64 bit and i run 91.0 and 94.1 (i did not update to 94.1 with the system updates). Under the edit button at the top press preferences and go to the tab at the far left of preferences called spring, there you can set which spring version to use as long as you know where you have the different versions installed.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Spring 94.1 crashes with RAM allocation fail.
* if you /give more than 1000 Bandits to enemy
* if you terraform a lot
+0 / -0

11 years ago
@AFK_Kitty does 91.0 crash the same way?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Just tried 94.1 on the test server with weblobby. There are issues both with my com and hovers getting stuck. the map is not great for hovers, but I wanted to test pathing.
Bots B159136 1 on Riverbedv2
+0 / -0
11 years ago
No, 91.0 and 93.1 allocate all available memory and let my PC lag until it is freezed because of paging processes between ram and swap or CPU heavy algoritms.

They don't crash because they can't allocate more memory.

I reached the unit limit of 1500 without problems by /give 1498 corak while 94.1 crashes at 800-1000.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
what are benefits of 94.1 over 91.0 ?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
[*quote]what are benefits of 94.1 over 91.0 ?[/quote]
Sim is supposed to be somewhat faster, and there is improved multicore support (not sure if that is only in the incompatible multicore build though).
There are also static Linux builds; which should make it easier to use a specific version on any distro.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
@AFK_Kitty: you should report to mantis... i can't reproduce this crash.

also you other guys should do that too, if its an engine bug.

91.0 had much more gfx related bugs which were fixed in 92.0. just read the changelog. also 92.0 allows Create{Feature, Unit} to take an ID parameter -> Load/Save should be possible to implement. for more improvements read the changelog. https://github.com/spring/spring/blob/master/doc/changelog.txt

mostly you should migrate because of the linux static builds which allows linux users easier to join.

don't ask about the benefits, ask why you didn't migrate.

also there is currently NO bug report about problems with ATI drivers, so imo there is no new engine bug related to gfx drivers.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Half the maps did not even run on 94.1.
+0 / -0
I think all the Spring new feature is overshadowed by bug that is highly magnified when playing game.

For example: when I play vs Chicken on 94.1 even few unit stuck (about 5) can cause everyone in the game to have 100% Cpu usage. (currently I want to test latest version to see if its fixed but the server failed to host them. It always timeout connection & Springsettings get reset)

Also, even tho (I notice) the particle effect look more realistic in 94.1 (ie: Missile Launcher in 94.1 show a realistic-dull-orange flame while in 91 it currently show the yellow glow trail) there's issue with it (IMO) such as it not visible at all (especially during zoom out)! (imagine how hard to figure out where that invisible racketeer or impaler coming from!)

Probably all this changes is caused by good intention, but I'm not sure it enhance the gameplay :P
+0 / -0
even few unit stuck

That's a bug in chicken animation scripts that causes said chickens to spawn a huge number of walk animation threads. Not an engine bug.

particle effect look more realistic

Here, i think you mean to say that "some CEG classes completely fail to render on ATI hardware". The missile exhaust glows that ZK uses are not engine flares i think. Me on nvidya, i've not noticed any difference.
+0 / -0
Would it not be a good idea to use 94.1 on the teams/ffa/other-hosts-only-played-by-humans hosts and leave 91.0 on the COOP vs AI (chickens or cai) host if that is possible?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
^ I'm linux user and using different version on each host doesn't fancy me.

Seriously, I will have to go through the trouble of making multiple spring version. All right. I will bother to do so, but you will lose probably 50% of current linux players, who won't bother.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Seriously, I will have to go through the trouble of making multiple spring version. All right. I will bother to do so, but you will lose probably 50% of current linux players, who won't bother.

Or just use weblobby.

Doesn't support some functionality?

+0 / -0
11 years ago
^ I use notalobby. The problem is having multiple spring binaries.
+0 / -0
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