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Black Mescalin V1

By Picasso

Small 8x8 map .
Size: 8 x 8


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Map doesn't really.. sniff work very well.. sadly. *sob*
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The zoomed out hills look great (like PA?). Perhaps keep that style zoomed in?
+1 / -0

11 years ago
its a great proof of concept, basically the cliff walls are made from one big feature layed over top the map, thus creating vertical faces that integrate with the terrain. If only features didn't disappear when you zoomed too far in/out.
+0 / -0
Feature disappearing distance is configurable in springsettings.cfg, that's not a problem.

Edit: Though yea, this feature seems to also disappear if you zoom too far in. My guess is it's because, as the cliffs are one huge feature placed in the middle of the map, if you don't have the middle of the map in your sight, the whole feature doesn't draw.

In the current version of this map, the feature cliffs don't align with the terrain, which results in units going inside the feature cliffs and it all being rather confusing. Picasso told me he'd try to get it to align in the next version.
+0 / -0
The "fixed" version of this map never made it to ZK mapserver. Testing v3 now.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
when u are "on drugs" map
+0 / -0
Pretty tame compared to picasso's other maps. V3 is better then I expected with Zero-K, but major problem for me was that camera is very jerky when moving.
+0 / -0
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