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NC and clan size restriction

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13 years ago
It seems that NC want to bypass limit of 10 "experienced" players per clan by creating smurf accounts for good players, so as "newbie" they can join clan without this limit.


Newbies should have worse elo.
Newbies shouldn't win so many battles at the very beginning
Newbies shouldn't play PW with discernment, but they know where to send ships, how to repair structures, etc.
Also, isn't it odd that "pro" clan like NC wants newbies as members?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Geez, elo of 1600 isn't high. It's still pretty much average. The high win rate can be from stacked games 'cause of (insert random vulgarism here) PW.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I know that its average, but most newbies in 0k have 13xx/14xx elo.
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
I totally agree its discussing
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13 years ago
I wouldn't call 2 1600 elo players a large enough sample size. Also with clanstack shouldn't any player that joins NC win more games than average?

It's more like a 1 player sample as I know MetalSkin as an old player from years ago.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think we will have to make this rule "any ranks" 10 people
+0 / -0
13 years ago
so is it clan size limit or pw clan size limit? are 2 very different things..... I think clan size should be unlimited and maybe pw teams limited to 12...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
never knew there was a difference. Far as I understand it for PW clan limits work like this:

Maximum number of rank 2+ members in clan is 10, although rank 1s can be grandfathered in.
No limit on Rank 1 members as they are there for "Mentoring".
+0 / -0
13 years ago
but then what happens when they are no longer rank 1? I find it unfair for a clan to train people up and then have to let them go due to size limits.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If they started rank in clan they stay in clan. Just look at your own clan to see this.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Anyway this restriction isnt good idea, We were forced many times to kick players from 0k Imperium to make space for another...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It has to be there Conrad. Else people will "bandwagon" to one clan. Factions should hopefully lessen this issue, but yea.
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13 years ago
I aagree, size limit for clans is necessary. It can make clans to select their members carefully, not recruit everyone available on the go...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What about clans which existed before 0k and have more than 10 members?
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13 years ago
They will have to sacrifice some
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Imperium dont make sacrifices with human beings. We are civilizated monarchy.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
civilizated vs. monarchy

Only in the first few generations it works civilizated - till some "King Hitler" is the top of this monarchy ;)
But beside this joke - I think 10 is the best number.

I can even accept another clan leader, but the clan descriptions as I founded my clan haven't matched my opinions :).

We shouldn't allow newbes to join clans if they are out of the limit.
We shouldn't allow any clans of less than 2 peoples to gain IPs !
We should let a only 2-ppls clan get only 2/3 of the IPs.

So this member-clans become to clan-members.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you look at clan numbers... there are quite a few that are at or near the total number limit.... why should the better clans be punished just because some clans suck and recruit anyone willing to join them?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Make a lvl0 account and join where you want to play!

If you are right - we should make ONLY a restriction how many clanners can play in one game.

-> Each clan choose the ppls who can play.
-> The average elo compared to all others in the lobby sets the weight.
-> If the weight is too high set a lower limit for that clan.

If some clan has 5 2k elo ppls and all other clans suck, then this "good" clan should only be able to fight with less peoples than the "bad" clan.

Maybe that will open more servers for PW
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