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Tech victory

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13 years ago
Tech victory for NC please recognise
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
Because IP is bugged everytime i win i get no IP...I even won defending that planet and still NC gets it. Really dont know how pw works now seems to be bugged like hell.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It seems you were getting influence as normal. Only in last battle you didnt get any due to domination (your clan having lots of it there)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
:D Rick. I think that you must be wrong. Cause Count-problem is solved atm.
Maybe you played on ally(NC) planet ? Dunno whats the problem.

NC - Gratz again :) I think we should defend it ( i mean [V] members but we were out ) V against NC. And that will be not so easy.
This is last blooddrop of NC to reach their win.
Now NC... you can turn off computers and get a life :D Or "smoke break"...

and some offtopic idea:

NC guys had to take down elo to play together in PW. Not like me ..
Ihave been switched after startbalance to enemy team and should resigned (because i wont play against mates if we want to take planet) - there should be warning message for player that he might spec or hesgonna be against clan.

So its practicaly : Play only for ELO to reach top 10 or play only for PW
-because if you have high elo you cant play with 1600+ guys in same team(any if they are your clanmates) - that could be fixed next season.
how to solve this problem ? :
-High elo players : give your hardearned elopoints to sb below 1300 and you can play with friends together.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Licho: Domination might need to be scaled down a bit, as the old settings were really for when the game was deciding planets on a low scale of IP.

Restrepo: Yea, due largely due to the small number of players in game that seems to be the case. Hopefully that will change, but until then, clans will have to either pick landing teams that they think will balance out.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
GG this season is very fun
There is a lot of major clan v clan battle mid season :P
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13 years ago
well played all
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13 years ago
Half my battles didnt even got logged. I only saw alot of errors in de lobby and no ip gained
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13 years ago
Hah I just came back after a few days, congrats NC. Im looking forward to the next season ;)
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