What about instead of having the lobby and the game as separate programs, they are joined together? Then there would not be separate programs to maintain and the lobby could look nicer. Something like this. The lobby design could be similar to how it is now, but be reached through a main menu with a settings tab and a single player tab and things. I think it would make the game seem more familiar to new players and require less technical knowledge of what spring does with its data. Discuss!
+0 / -0
There was a plan to move balance to "in game/engine", so games would start faster and less afk players problems, but no idea if it still begin worked. P.S.: if you do in game balance, mid game join was player should be a next step.
+0 / -0
How do you know that Starcraft II has a merged game and lobby? Perhaps it just does a really good job oh hiding it. LoL is (or at least was a while ago) 2 programs. Do lobbies which don't take up your entire screen scare people away? I see your point for singleplayer. ZKL already requires no knowledge of what spring does with it's data (in principal) and any fixes to this can be done without your idea. Anyway, it's not a bad goal. A Spring based singleplayer interface could act as an even more idiot proof way of getting some singleplayer people as long as you (specifically you) figure out how to do all the internet related things such as deploy configs and automatic updates. Although for a purely singleplayer thing we don't even have to have updates. We'll probably merge it or do something with it once you're done.
+2 / -0
It is an idea. The chances of me being able to do it are precisely zero. I am just saying that a more idiot proof lobby would be useful.
+0 / -0
I think there's a "start lobby" button, for those folks who expect to be able to join internet games from the first screen they see.
+0 / -0
been using the web lobby for weeks.............. http://weblobby.springrts.com/Nothing else needs to be done for lobbies. Also I've been using it to play on linux for weeks. Weblobby IS THE ONLY THING NEEDED. Carrepairer............... YOU DID GOOD.
+1 / -1
  Batman++ !rename Merge site and lobby The weblobby is a work of art and science.
+3 / -1
Weblobby is slow. Weblobby is buggy. Weblobby keeps crashing firefox.
+2 / -0
Thanks Batman. Tell all your friends too (Robin, Batgirl, the Commissioner, etc).
+1 / -0
  TheSponge Is that on Linux? Also, where, if anywhere, can we post bug reports for the 'blobby?
+0 / -0
It's not going to happen (technical limits, stability/control and insane work cost) and imo it's not even desirable. Separating lobby from game is benefitial for a game with important social component and not enough players for instant quickmatch game.
+5 / -0
quote: Also, where, if anywhere, can we post bug reports for the 'blobby? | http://code.google.com/p/springweblobby/issues/listAs for crashing Firefox, I think it used to do that before they fixed their plugin crash protection. I'm tempted to blame OpenJDK too, as much as I sympathize with the idea to have an open source Java implementation as opposed to the big enterprisey Oracle version, OpenJDK seems to be less stable, crashes randomly and takes about 10x as much time to make unitsync calls for whatever reason.
+0 / -0
quote: they are joined together |
Two options: a) game must into lobby b) lobby must into game (b) is somewhat feasible, with lua socket one could make a lobby as widget. It would take as long as creating a lobby in any other way and so would be big project. Also search in spring forum, the idea is not new and for a while "ingame lobby" was favorite blabla subject. But then no more blabla. Maybe because it got (in theory) possible. ;) http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=27683&hilit=ingame+lobbyhttp://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=28935&hilit=ingame+lobbyhttp://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=27526(random threads, there should be some more) --- quote: A Spring based singleplayer interface could act as an even more idiot proof way of getting some singleplayer people as long as you (specifically you) figure out how to do all the internet related things such as deploy configs and automatic updates. |
It is already figured out since some time \o\ The SP interface is in the mod, as a widget. Some mods already have it. /o/ Now just needs a way for lobbies to start these widget menus: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=30376&p=543420#p541487 \o/
+1 / -0
OpenJDK does not work well.
+0 / -0
Why, specifically, do you "regret" LoL?
+0 / -0
Why, specifically, should you not regret playing LoL? :P
+2 / -0
I have heard arguments that there is some deductive and creative thinking involved.
+0 / -0
  [ACP]ScarySquirrelThe game is terribly bad, it's ugly, unbalanced, developers and support doesn't give a shit about it's players, community could win guiness award for being worst everr, pro scene is bribed, (at grandfinals of season 1-ending tourney they did everything they could to make the games last longer so there would be more $$ from sponsors and stuff) et cetera et cetera. So i switched to Dota 2 and now i see how this kind of game should be done properly. We're going offtopic now so let's drop it.
+1 / -0