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Elo Decay

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11 years ago
No elo decay is a such a broken elo system, the ladder is like a hall of fame for players who decided to stop playing in their prime

I haven't played for ages so I know for a fact that there's no way I can sustain a 2k+ elo- meaning if I want to come back, I have to endure nothing but losses for a while, which is not a very exciting prospect

but the main problem is simply the accuracy of the ladder, it's always completely wrong

you might as well not have an elo system if you're not going to bother adding decay, it just defeats the purpose tbh
+0 / -0
meaning if I want to come back, I have to endure nothing but losses for a while

Nope. Long breaks can mean win-streaks, 'cause players forget about build-orders and only remember the essential fundamentals (that is, the important stuff). In my experience players are more open to different approaches of winning the game after taking a break.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You make it sound like elo decay is a common part of an elo ranking system.
Care to provide evidence?

My meager skills at googling only seemed to indicate that LoL used to do elo decay prior to completely revamping their rating system at some point, and no trace of that in other systems.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I dont know what kind of ranking system LoL currently uses but it definitely has decay

aside from that I hardly even know of any system using elo at all other than chess but decay seems to me to be common sense, one glance at the ladder is informative enough

in any sport, game, profession- if you're at the top, surely you have to work to remain at the top? you can't just not participate for a few years then still miraculously be #1

and also with elo doesn't the average skill level vary? so if I get 2k+ elo a few years ago when everybody sucks and maybe nowadays there is a higher skill threshold, it doesn't make much sense for me to remain at the top of the ladder
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I think that unlike some forms of sport Zero-K does not rely on constant training of muscles. Anyway, players are removed from the ladder once they stop playing. I am not sure of the exact threshold, but it happens somewhere around a month after the last game.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
AFAIK Players thet don't join for a long period of time are not shown in the ladder, which solves your "problem"
+0 / -0
When i take a break from a game, and later i come back, i often feel like i'm kind of better than i was before. So i think adding a decay to ELO isn't necessary.
Surely sports and professions require to work hard and train hard to remain at the top, but i don't think games do. Especially when someone might drop ZK for a month, but will play something similiar like Supreme Commander, and he will still be in good shape in RTS games.

As far as i know yes, you are dissapearing from ladders after a month of inactivity. 2 months ago (i think) Godde dissapeared from ladders, and after he came back he was #1 again so it's all true what you said.

Edit: Elo decay is also avoidable, simply by playing one game once a period of time required for someone's elo to start decaying and it misses whole point anyways.
+0 / -0
I didn't play for a couple months, came back and rocketed straight up to #2.

We can increase peoples uncertainty when they don't play for a while (which is the negative score that new players have and slowly burn away).

So, if you want to do that (Yes, you, this is always you) I'd support the change!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I like the idea of seasons, like in starcraft. each 6 months announce prizes of kudos or unique unlocks for the bestest players and reset elo. repeat!
+2 / -0
11 years ago
:P me and godde will acumilat over 999k kudos!!!

yay, now if only i ever used cosmetic unlocks for anything other then silly shit
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Well, what should godde do with all that? I don't think we currently have players that can cross that 300 elo gap...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
definitely a good idea 1vory

I suppose if people actually played this game it would matter more, because if you look at sc2 or LoL as examples, the meta is constantly changing and the people at the top get increasingly better over time and the skill threshold is constantly rising

but in Spring it's like the opposite :P a few years ago there were a bunch of people who actually cared about skill and a big 1v1 scene, ever since then it seems to have gotten progressively worse

I guess the thing that always annoyed me about no decay is Goddes ridiculously high elo for what seems like relatively little work, I could never pass him and I'm butthurt about it
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If you're good/talented, things may indeed take less work for the same outcome. That's life.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
hey ill have you know im working hard at chipping away at goddes elo!
+1 / -1