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PlanetWars round 11 officially concludes (finally)

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11 years ago
The Dynasty of Earth and its allies in Liberated Humanity have established themselves as the dominant power in the galaxy!

After over a thousand battles, intense political intrigue, multiple betrayals and the firing in anger of planet-destroying superweapons, the Dynasty-LH alliance has cemented its position, holding 60% of all planets. In the course of the conflict, the old Empire has been destroyed, its remnants assimilated by the Free Machines it once opposed. Both the Machines and the Cybernetic Front have dug in, awaiting their chance to regain their lost ground... which may come soon.

Tune in next time for the next episode of PlanetWars!
+5 / -0

11 years ago
In hindsight, I should've cropped the big red "alpha" text from the top of the image.

Ah well.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
When will this new PW season be starting and why does anyone really deserve to win this round? It has not really been played for ages and there were so many problems that its outcome seems void to me. Are there changes in the next season to look out for?
+0 / -0
TheSponge, the round raged full scale for at least 3 months during last year's summer, before people stopped playing it. The result is definitely valid, even if it's not conclusive.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Are there changes in the next season to look out for?

Only two factions, hardlimited season time, and related balance changes (wormholes no longer limit travel, etc)

That's how much inside info i can leak :P
+0 / -0
"old Empire destroyed"?

No way! It was just a matter of time and players for PW before Empire had captured the galaxy back.
+2 / -2
Well you should have done more the last round. Empire was my faction too.

What happened in PlanetWars dictates what happens in the fiction, there is no difference. So yeah, Empire are a non-entity with only a single planet (Which was given to them by Machines anyway!) while the biological humans (genetically engineered or true bred) formed a political bloc against the post-humans and machines. Dynasty didn't 'Win'. The war ground to a halt. We don't get to make any more stuff up than what happened, and that's what happened.

Empire will be rolled into the post-human faction, as they were entirely a part of that political bloc at the end of the last PW. Frankly even if the next round was not 2 factions, the political blocs the factions formed at the end of the last PW meant there were really only two anyway.

Also KR got his terminology wrong. The Old Empire (Empire of Earth) was destroyed by the Ascended/Valhallans. The last Emperor was Conrad when they laid siege to his Throne world and wiped him out. This is the Second Empire (The reborn Empire), which was formed from the remnants of the last but is kind of like the Byzantine Empire or Holy Roman Empire was to the Roman Empire.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Well, now burp can try to start a Third Empire if the ex-imperial assimilant clans do well in PW12.
+2 / -0