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Why am I banned?

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I opened ZKL and I cant connect because I am banned. Apparently it is because I am an anteep smurf, have been spouting racism and ban dodging. How can anyone possibly believe I am an anteep smurf?

Am I meant to be banned? If so, why? If so, why doesn't it say so on my user page?
+6 / -0
Happy New Year :P
(btw, maybe it's because you're from the UK too)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
LoL TheSponge! Feel da taste of ban :evil laugh:
+6 / -0
11 years ago
There were trolls and smurfs invasion yesterday and admins made bans giving away night xD
so... I sure they will unban u when they will wake up from yesterday night :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Same here.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+8 / -0
11 years ago
Oh come on, GBrankTheSponge. Still trying to deny it?
+10 / -0

11 years ago
There was a user ID collision for some reason, I've lifted that part of the smurf's ban.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
lol I dont remember Anteep ever doing anything wrong, he seemed like a cool guy to me but ofc banhappy Alcur and KR disagree...

"PENALTY: Smurfing, hurting the player base for years"
"PENALTY: Using smurfs to exit game as non-player, general trolling"

wtf is "general trolling" and "hurting the player base"? are you guys even trying to come up with good reasons anymore?

so far the only real thing I can see that he did wrong is make a smurf, a minor offence, hardly worth the 100 year ban you gave him :P
+2 / -8

11 years ago
Yer apart from the smurfs I don't see anything else he did wrong either :S
I always see him playing against chix... (most of the time)
+1 / -1
Don't forget the "copying names and !exitting games" part. I think he also used smurfs to start and vote for kicks on random players.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
I am also banned for smurfing. This is my only account for ZK/Spring.
Can someone unban me?
If I'm reading this right though, the ban should end in an hour anyway.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
@[ffc]Killer created a lot of smurfs yesterday. I blame him!
+1 / -0

11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
"copying names and !exitting games"

oh who hasnt done that before, thats nothing

he was probably just bored but now without any warning, hes never able to play zk again, thanks to some random guys that dont even play

an appropriate punishment / future deterrent is like 1 week ban, but instead you make -1 active players to an already small game and you say he's the one "hurting the player base" :P
+3 / -10
Troll thinks trolls should be let off lightly and defends them as merely being "bored." How utterly surprising.

If you think repeatedly using smurfs to exit people's games (and sometimes to teamkill) is something that everyone does or which is going to encourage people to play the game more, all I can say is: shut the fuck up, Drone.

(And you were doing so well with the "post without trolling" thing too...)
+6 / -4

11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
All I can say is Anteep was a pleasure to play with and talk with, not some rude moron who goes around telling people to "shut the fuck up"

I can't even remember the last time you even played ZK, seems all you do here is insult people and ban people, hardly what I'd call a positive influence on the game
+1 / -13
11 years ago
29 days ago
+1 / -0

11 years ago
shut the fuck up

I'm sorry, I don't think you heard me the first time.

Any further posts in this topic that do not pertain to unrelated users being caught up in bans will result in an immediate lock.
+3 / -1
11 years ago
All I can say is Anteep was a pleasure to play with and talk with

Any further posts in this topic that do not pertain to unrelated users being caught up in bans will result in an immediate lock.

Or you could forum ban drone. Then everyone else could still post here.
+0 / -0
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good point skasi KR's last game was 29 days ago, i think that just qualifies the great and mighty @KingRaptor as the admin that randomly trolls the forums and bans peaople cause hes an [expletive_redacted]

also im of the opinion that Anteep got ALOT worse after the ban, pre-ban he was fairly nice if my memory serves me right, this is an "I told you so" moment... half a year ago i warned you that having BAN HAPPY ADMINS that dont understand the concept of restraint, or even try to be reasonable would piss off one of the trolls at some point.

sorry to say this but you pissed off a troll, now deal with it properly if you can*...

*btw even big games can't deal with pissed of trolls, they just try not to piss them off/keep the number to less the 1% of the active player base

ive always wanted to use this picture somewhere...
+1 / -11
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