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Problems with random attacks on biggest faction

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13 years ago
As it is now these insurgents attack the same planet from ascended everytime resulting in a farm war on that planet. 0k takes the planet then they get bored and stop then we come online and take it back and it repeats itself again. Forget how many times i played that dsd map in pw already but its getting irritating.

It also makes getting a victory really hard since it results in a lame stalemate. Now i know you dont want pw to end in a week but atm it require 1 clan to be extremely active and other clans inactive before you can win... What would happen if 2 clans we active? A endless stalemate going on for months or longer?

It would be alot better if insurgents just attack random planets (starting with lowest defence). The big faction would still get more random attacks that way since they got more planets. Through it wont be that they get all the random attacks.

Ingame you dont want porcy stalemate games but this is exactly what is happening in pw.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You don't want porcy stalemate and you don't want one side steamrolling either, like we've been seeing every round. Ideally there is back and forth, which means that the strongest should have an uphill fight, or be at a disadvantage.

Not much different from trying to increase elo either. The more elo you get, the harder it is to get more and the easier it is to lose it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thats already happening with everyone teaming up against the biggest faction. Everyone allied together vs ascended atm.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The problem is not attacks on the biggest faction, IMHO, its that it seems to always happen on the same (few) planet(s). There should be some randomness in planets seeing an insurgency, even if it always targets the biggest faction.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It targets least defended planets first
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13 years ago
What about something like... put the least defended planets in a pool. If that returns less than N (maybe 5?) planets, take the planets that have slightly more defense and include them in the pool of planets that can see an insurgency. Repeat until we have N planets.

Thats just to add some randomness if nobody is attacking.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I agree that it should target a pool of least defended planets because playing the same map all the time is boring.

If nothing else PW is good because there is a lot of map rotation (at least it was at some points).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Atm our 3+ def planets are getting attacked because 3+ is the lowest we have. That pool idea sounds nice through. Makes alot more sense than always attack the big guy.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Nah imo they should attack big guy because otherwise poor guys have no chance to fight back..
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That already happens without forcing it. The more planets you get the higher the chance is that you will be attacked.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Just leave some planet undefended, that way you can choose the map
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13 years ago
Which is exactly what nobody wants and its exactly what is happening.
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13 years ago
I think insurgents could be a bit more random. The probability of the clan/faction with the most planets being attacked would still naturally be higher if insurgents were completely random.

One thing I don't like about planetwars is the ship defense, I think that +9 and possibly even +6 ship defense is too high and favours clans with a slight advantage to snowball and overrun the rest of the galaxy. I think ship defense should be more like +2, +3, +5 with improving defenses.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
9+ def isnt too high. All clans allied together vs us so you should have more than enough ships to attack it. O
nly problem was we had like a week headstart before you even started playing....We had like 20 planets and other clans like 5 in total?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
+9 defense is too high when you consider there are 1 man clans and clans with many casual (i.e. low activity) players. Whilst being in a large, organised and active clan should have advantages, I think there should also be a chance for smaller or less active clans to at least be able to attack a planet now and then.

This would be a more natural form of harrying the larger clans than the insurgent bias, and I think there are enough small/casual clans so that this would happen.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
They choose to go in a 1 man clan while they know they wont make much chance to win. Besides thats where factions and alliances are for. They make sure you arent alone vs a whole active clan.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It's tricky because not everyone can attack every planet. We spent too much time trying to figure out what planet we could all attack together.

Insurgents weren't great but there were plenty of other problems with how being the largest gave such huge fleet, money, and IP advantages that you really don't have anything to be whining about.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
maybe let ships travel even though enemy territory if you don NOT have a fight treaty with that clan you want to travel through and won't attack that faction where you are travel through.

So if you want to attack V and are UnalignedWorlds, you can't travel through V planets, can't travel though Ascended planets, but through FreeMachines or TrueBorn, because they support that you attack Ascended.

^^ Or make that only possible against the biggest 2 factions.

I think there should be 2 biggest factions and not only 1, since if some faction is only a bit bigger, both can overrun all others to get planets for fighting the other clan.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Alliance allows ship travel.
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