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Zero-K v1.2.4.0 - Ongoing Sea Rework

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10 years ago
This version includes some nice unit AI improvements and continues the ongoing sea rework. There are some major changes to sea and the Amphibious factory should fare better on land. The most notable sea change is the addition of a depthcharge hovercraft, the Claymore, and the removal of Scalpels underwater missiles. The Claymore is quite a silly unit but we may as well try out something !Fun! before sea has any balance which can be broken.


Added Claymore - a somewhat suicidal antiswarm depthcharge hovercraft. It fires Roach-sized depthcharges at short range with the hope that whatever it is targeting is far enough underwater to prevent it from killing itself. It does less well against surface targets. On land it is able to drop the depthcharge which will bounce around for a few seconds before exploding.

Scalpel can no longer shoot into water.

Scallop Torpedo:
  • Damage 230 -> 140
  • Reload Time 3 -> 3.5

Scallop Shotgun:
  • DPS increased by 33%
  • Range 280 -> 300

  • Cost 150 -> 80
  • Health 400 -> 240
  • Speed 2.7 -> 2.8
  • Damage 430 -> 230

  • Health 1700 -> 1750
  • Range 280 -> 240

  • Health 1300 -> 1700
  • Speed 2.3 -> 2.4
  • Range 340 -> 260
  • Reload Time 5 -> 4.5
  • Has Crusader level AoE.

  • Cost 400 -> 350

  • Cost 700 -> 550

  • Damage 860 -> 950

Commander Torpedo:
  • Can target Hovercraft.
  • Damage 400 -> 220
  • Reload 5 -> 3.5
  • Range 350 -> 330

Repair Pads now drain energy when repairing. An individual pad has 2.5 Build Power.

  • Cost 320 -> 300
  • Health 320 -> 450
  • Fixed script, it will now aim more rapidly.
  • Updated description.

Unit AI

  • Air units are now diverted to Air Repair Pads when told to retreat.
  • Avengers use Boost when starting to retreat.
  • Jumpjet units Jump when starting to retreat.

Units skirmishing with Tactical AI now take height difference into account when determining how far away they should be from their target. Scallop now has different behaviour when underwater or on land to take advantage of its separate weapon characteristics.


  • Zombie mode can be played on any map via a modoption.
  • Active modoptions are displayed at the start of the game.
  • There is a modoption to mute spectators. This mostly deals with accidental abuse as lobby chat is still visible.
  • Puppy creation has a graphical effect.
+6 / -0
10 years ago
How much that new hover does cost?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0

10 years ago
All of these changes look really interesting. Quite a lot of weight decreasess in ships and amph (can duck finally be a raider?). I think promoting the retreat AI is a really good idea, few people realize how much work it can take off their hands. I'm just a bit worried that the "jump on retreat" might put units in awkward positions...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If you don't want your jumpers to be in awkward positions when jumping to retreat then don't set them to retreat. This is the same with any AI. In general you should check the situation occasionally to make sure that nothing complicated that the AI cannot handle is going on.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Zombie mode can be played on any map via a modoption.

I just looked this code. Tom Fyuri, you are awesome.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Yeah, i was just worrying about units getting stuck on cliffs or other impassable terrain (or even between buildings), even when the terrain is otherwise flat and navigatable. We'll see how it plays out.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Zomg. So many sea units get a weight decrease and Hunters get super duper aoe. Poor Ducks, Hunters op. QQ no re.

Can Scallops still skirm ships without any problem?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I've never used that retreat thing, might give it a try

looks like a decent update

- boats are good again
- amphibs are probably a viable option on land
- moderator is worth making
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I've disabled spectator mute because it was activating itself somehow.
+0 / -0
I think it would have been uber sexy if hovers had more than one unit capable of engaging submarines, because in amph vs hover matchup there are more submarine units capable of targeting hovers.

Given Duck's weight decrease, it might be plausible that Scalpel would get overwhelmed by Ducks like it gets with glaives on land, and Scallop would outrange Claymore.

Then voila! Counter structure:
Duck > Scalpel > Scallop > Claymore > Duck.

Currently Claymore will have to deal with both of those plus Snakes and Serpents.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Scalpel just did not work. It has too much damage and range compared to torpedoes and already countered all the floating units. It removed the amph coastal advantage by shooting into the water from safety. So its role is to counter Buoy, Grizzly and Scallop if it walks onto land. Also there was no way Duck was beating Scalpel.

Buoy and Grizzly are pretty good against Claymore because of their health. Archer may even be able to keep them in place. Although te mechanics are wacky so I am not too sure how it will fit into the counter structure, if it does at all.

The sonic hovercraft is still an option if it can be given a role.
+0 / -0
So its role is to counter Buoy, Grizzly and Scallop if it walks onto land. Also there was no way Duck was beating Scalpel.

For sheer nitpicking, i'll point out that new duck isn't old duck, and Scalpel fails hilariously against Grizzly both wet and dry.

But yeah, there's no reason to stay bolted to old units i guess. Roles apart, i'll try to pretty-up the sonic stuff.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
New Duck was tested for ability to beat Scalpel. If you get cost in Scalpel they will beat Grizzly that does not run away so it is at least a deterrent to surfacing.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
On land it is able to drop the depthcharge which will bounce around for a few seconds before exploding.

+0 / -0

10 years ago
how does the new duck compare to the scrubber? with 230 alpha it seems like it will be considerably better at first glance, but havn't got home to try it yet
+0 / -0
10 years ago
supposedly scrubbers have 300 hp so they should be able to take 2 hits now instead of 1.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
scrubber only has 37dps/110 alpha, which needs 3 shots to kill duck - duck two shots scrubber and costs less
+0 / -0
Scrubbers are the fastest raider units while ducks are the slowest. Making them trade evenly in a straight up fight would simply make scrubbers far superior as far as land balance is concerned.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Oooh, I can't wait to try swarms of ducklings... I wonder if they can overwhelm an Urchin?
+0 / -0
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