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13 years ago
There is a serious issue with this unit: it becomes way too strong when microed well.

1) When properly microed, crabe is almost impossible to catch uncurled, giving him 12 000 effective HP. While thats not really that much hp/cost, its still insanely much for a unit of its range. Most high-hp/cost units are short-range assaults, which need it to actually get close. Crabe, however, has range of a skirm and hp of an assault.

2) Range. When not microed, its 600. When microed its 600+200=800, the 200 being the AOE of its weapon. As result, many units that are often used to counter it suddenly become vulnerable to counterfire if you manually aim the crabe. And these units usually have extreemely low HP because of their role, so even 50% of crabes damage is enough to kill them in 1-2 shots.

As result, you cant kill it in close range due to it having decent DPS and alot of health (and often a line of defence close to it), you cant kill it with skirms because it outranges them, so your only options are precision arty, which usually doesnt have too much of DPS so the crabe often gets healed too fast to kill it. The only remaining option is air, which, while 100% effective against crabe, can be shut down quite easily, and to kill the crabe they need alot of time.

So, personally, id suggest the following changes:
1) normalise his HP. Set HP to 6500, and armormod when curled to 0.66
As result it will go from 4000/12000 to 6500/10000 - less sensitive to micro.

2) Overhaul its attack. Crabe killing some skirms is fine. Having to aim crabe manually to outrange HLTs and snipers is not. Leave the AOE guns to cheap short-ranged units like levelers, where they cant be abused so badly. Not sure what would fit instead, though. Maybe a minimal-AOE multishot, like form behemoth? Or a heatray? Crabe is designed as a riot, so i cant think of many other options.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If unsupported glaives from different directions can kill it easyly.

I suggest an outlaw weapon + arty like cannon.

Because it costs more than a Stinger it is silly that stingers with a nano behind them can kill it so easy.

600 metal agaisnt 1600 metal if I count 1.5 times for stinger.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Crabe ranged EMG?

Or make it have a weapon like the commander shotgun but with less projectiles and faster firing. If it has alot of spread, but shoots clouds of projectiles very fast, it deals less damage to single targets. (which doesn't matter for killing raiders since they're so fragile) And will totally ruin raider swarms.

Or overhaul its unit role. Spiders already have a riot unit, they don't have an artillery unit.
Take away the crabe's AoE, but make its range just a bit higher than HLT's.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Better would be to cut its range so it cant abuse the AoE thing to outrange HLT's. That is, if we think its a problem. Personally, i dont, and whether you can outrange a HLT or not depends far more on whether or not the HLT is uphill or downhill.

Personally, while they can be irritating, i dont have that much trouble with crabes. Hit them with spies while moving, or two spies while curled, hit them with 1 skuttle or 2 skuttles while curled (easy since they dont move), or just out-micro them with a few raiders at once, if they are isolated. Other artillery is usable (though easily repaired, yes) but Racketeer utterly demolishes them.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think Crabe is a cool unit and fine as is. Normalised HP is balancing towards averages so I don't think that is going to happen.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What is annoying is how a crabe that is emp'd when it is moving and un-armoured will still curl up and amour while "stunned".

Of course this happens with razor kiss, pitbull, etc.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yes those scripts should be fixed, unfortunately they are cob.

In general units shouldn't move when emped but for the popups it is most important.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Lets nerf everything by 10 % every month = everybody happy.

I think it is fine as it is. Try to abuse it if it is so OP then maybe it will be nerfed(It was abusable when com has uber nano range then u could heal it forever, still miss that thing :) ). It is defenseless against air, has low fire rate, also lets remember its cost. You can easily counter it with emp arty, snipers, skutle spy and what I didint think off.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
1 racketeer is enough to stop a crabe. Thats only 350 metal.
+0 / -0