Extracting chat is quite possible indeed:
>>> for i in r.demorecords:
... if len(i.data) >= 3 and ord(i.data[0]) == 7 and ord(i.data[3]) != 255:
... print str(i.gametime) + ': ' + playername(ord(i.data[2])) + '->'
+ playername(ord(i.data[3])) + ' msg:' + i.data[4:]
0.285000026226: 255->254 msg:[Skasi]HAHA
0.285000026226: 255->254 msg:[Skasi]now godde has all the nubs wuahahaha
0.285000026226: 255->254 msg:[Skasi]:)
3.07800102234: [SPQR]Edlennion->252 msg:I choose: Steve!
13.7549915314: [V]SeoAiri]0K[->252 msg:I choose: tami!
14.607998848: 255->254 msg:[VALTIO]gl0g has left lobby
17.18400383: [NC]Gretchen->252 msg:I choose: Goldilocks!
20.1000232697: [VALTIO]Varikonniemi->252 msg:I choose: support com!
21.136013031: iMassacre->252 msg:I choose: Commander 2!
27.3590373993: krist->252 msg:I choose: XPKF!
43.4466171265: [DrK]Krudor->252 msg:I choose: ThzNts!
51.4099464417: [VALTIO]Varikonniemi->252 msg:I choose: support com!
54.5107078552: [RIIA]DieHardDeus->252 msg:I choose: Dell Conagher!
60.8002815247: [NC]Gretchen->252 msg:wouldnt call Krudor a nub tho
115.550720215: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 109 seconds
117.150184631: [V]SeoAiri]0K[->252 msg:skasi in?
122.703071594: Godde->252 msg:I choose: Builder3!
133.694381714: Skasi->254 msg:skasi is for nubs
135.105117798: [NC]Gretchen->252 msg:I see his dot moving
135.542037964: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 89 seconds
155.530471802: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 69 seconds
173.861343384: Skasi->252 msg:I choose: Zomg I'ma UNDERCOVER!
175.553359985: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 49 seconds
179.451293945: Skasi->252 msg:meh goin west
182.833831787: Skasi->252 msg:aaaaaall the way west
195.527801514: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 29 seconds
213.728500366: Godde->254 msg:mm...
215.543136597: 255->254 msg:Game will be force started in 20 seconds
217.516891479: Godde->254 msg:do we get his com?
219.620422363: Skasi->254 msg:glog dropped
221.004226685: Godde->254 msg:or what happens?
226.943099976: Skasi->254 msg:you get it after 2 mins if he didnt place
233.94102478: Godde->254 msg:meh
235.16784668: [NC]Gretchen->254 msg:what Skasi said
249.040908813: Skasi->254 msg:it was changed to 30 secs in latest version, but t
hat ones not stable yet
267.440917969: Skasi->252 msg:kill fleas with glaive
271.240905762: Skasi->252 msg:dont spamm porc
281.80758667: [VALTIO]Varikonniemi->254 msg:what was
310.007568359: Skasi->254 msg:godde so predictable
342.774230957: Skasi->252 msg:godde has a spy
346.574249268: Skasi->252 msg:he can emp your comm so watch out
442.607574463: Skasi->254 msg:troll
464.107574463: Skasi->254 msg:hahaha u dun get me nub
477.040893555: [V]SeoAiri]0K[->254 msg:massacre
477.040893555: [V]SeoAiri]0K[->254 msg:massacre u here?
477.040893555: iMassacre->254 msg:here
477.040893555: [V]SeoAiri]0K[->254 msg:unpause
543.807556152: 255->254 msg:[Omega]qwerty3w has left lobby
589.107543945: Skasi->254 msg:geez
601.474243164: 10->254 msg:lol
611.274230957: 10->254 msg:no more comm
701.874267578: 255->254 msg:yurit1337 has left lobby
833.807617188: [VALTIO]Varikonniemi->254 msg:zk bugs out too much
844.640930176: Skasi->254 msg:+1
844.774230957: [VALTIO]Varikonniemi->254 msg:some lua spam continuously
936.640930176: 255->254 msg:Godde has left lobby
1013.14093018: Skasi->254 msg:ah well gg or sth
1030.34094238: [RIIA]DieHardDeus->254 msg:As you can see, I didn't need to expan
d west.
1046.10754395: Skasi->254 msg:you should have, diehard ;)
1049.17419434: 255->254 msg:[[20]Blackdutchie]As you can see, planetwars is EMPT
1055.84094238: [RIIA]DieHardDeus->254 msg:Yes but you said it so thus I didn't.
1056.57421875: Skasi->254 msg:game wouldve been easier and you wouldve been usef
ul :)
1101.64086914: Skasi->254 msg:err its not cause i told you to
1146.47424316: Godde->252 msg:I choose: ComKiller!
1163.27416992: Skasi->254 msg:Kimbo youre last
1211.64086914: 255->254 msg:[DrK]Krudor has left lobby
1220.17419434: 255->254 msg:Ahira has left lobby
1229.97424316: Kimbo->254 msg:LOOK BAD
1250.44091797: Skasi->254 msg:Kimbo youre last
1290.94091797: 10->254 msg:lol
1296.50756836: 255->254 msg:Game over, exiting
Just a teaser