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You have two cows.

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9 years ago
+12 / -0
inb4 locked and DErankAdminmojjj forumbanned

+4 / -0

9 years ago
w000000t im unstoppable! ggaaaaaaaaa!

+7 / -0
9 years ago
This is completely different from the original joke.

+1 / -0

9 years ago
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Before banning and locking, we can make ZK cows!

let's see...

Porcing - You have two cows, you make a nice fence around your property and milk them while everybody else take the rest of the herd and force you out of business.
Pluking - You have two cows, you start building a cheese factory. Your cows die from lack of food. You blame other farmers.
@Godde - You have two cows, each makes twice as much milk as any other cow.
ATrankhokomoko - You have two cows, you look somewhere else. You have no cows.
+8 / -0
9 years ago
Nice one, hocowmooko!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
You have two cows.
Communism: the state takes both and gives you milk back.
RoI: the state takes them both and gives all the milk to some guy owning a crop farm, the reason being that crops can feed cows to increase milk production. You only receive the personal milk produced by your wife (who works at construction) and whatever you can scavenge by killing cows of people from across the ridge.
+9 / -0
9 years ago
we need a "secret" Cow-Level ala Diablo II
+0 / -0
9 years ago
DErankXivender, we do!
+1 / -0
@Shamanpluk - you have two cows that shoot lasers out of their eyes and breath fire from their buttholes. They also levitate.
DErankKlon - people think you have only 2 cows but you are hiding many more
PLrankOrfelius - you have 2 cows but you think that goats yield more milk than cows.
PLrankAdminSprung - you have 2 cows that yield more milk than other cows and you say that PLrankOrfelius is wrong.
+10 / -0

9 years ago
GBrank[Fx]Drone - Your cows keep dying daily, but you get new ones faster than that.
GBrankTheSponge - You have a dozen of very fast cows that migrate in a herd. They don't give much milk, but they trample everyone's crops, so their economy grows slower.
USrankRyMarq - You had two cows. They went extinct in 1768.
EErankAdminAnarchid - Your have two cows. One of them is illegally modified.

+11 / -0

9 years ago
FIranksprang - you have two cows. They eventually form a spr*ng fanclub.
DErankAdminmojjj - you have two cows. One in .gif format, the other in jpg.
CZrankAdminLicho - you have two cows. You're glad they aren't sheep.
DErankBrackman - you have 0.5^(lim x->π e^xi) cows.
Skasi - you have two cows. They don't moo, they honk.
Firepluk - you have two cows, but are banned from extracting milk from them.
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog - you have two cows and see everyone else also does. You nerf cows to prevent monoculture.
+19 / -0
DErankXivender - you have two cows, which were trollcoms before the nerf.
@Godde - you have two coms.
CArankTheMooseIsLoose - you have two cows with giant pair of antlers.
ROrankForever - you have two krows who love ice skating.
EErank[ISP]Lauri - you have a cow and a smurf called Anarchid.
ESrankElTorero - you have two cows with an extra useless udder.
GBrankTheEloIsALie - they say you have two cows, but you dont trust the system.
@[ffc]killer - you have two cows, one says "wat" in chinese, the other one is a ghost.
USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng - you are denying your unnumbered cows are also part in the GBConspiracy
FRrank[Kf3in]C21 - you have two cows. your cows have shields.
CArankAdminShadowfury333 - you have two cows with a mircophon. they do mixtapes with floris.
DErankNeonSturm - you have around 2.000000000 cows.
Firepluk - you have 2 cows on your farm. they wear sunglasses. its a singu farm. everything makes sense now.
FIrankAdminAlcur - how the hell can your cows swing them banhammers?
+13 / -0
9 years ago
Zero-K is a free, multiplatform, open-source cow simulator game where massive herds of cows graze in endless conflict.


Realistic Physics mean each stalk of grass is physically simulated realtime
+7 / -0
Wat? I see you people like beef very much.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
PLrankFailer - You have two cows, but don't know how to milk them.
+5 / -0
9 years ago
U mad..

It's ATrankNoob - You have two cows, but don't know how to milk them.

PLrankFailer - you have two cows, but u accidenaly kill one of them, and the other one runs away.
+7 / -0
Age of Mythology: You have two cows. Once they fatten you will slaughter them and sacrifice the food to your god.

Starcraft: You have two cows. You abuse them until they are bruised and able to fire the Camato Yannon.

Warcraft: You have two cows. You click on them a lot. You now have two craters.

Planetary Annihilation: You have two spherical cows in a vacuum.

Zero-K: You have two cows. You sell them and buy some chickens instead. The chickens become feral.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Spain: You have two cows. You torture them for fun while your neighbours watch and cheer.

Pretty accurate
+1 / -0
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