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9 years ago
so many times all i am left with is a caretaker and i want to rebuild.. would it ruin balance if caretaker could build athena? every other con in game can make athena.. i know caretaker is not a con.. and that the game should be over if i have only nano left.. but is there any downside to having the blueprint added?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Just curious, are you talking about 1v1/2v2 or large teamgames?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i was in a team game.. my team was occupied loosing.. and i was left helpless with many caretakers.. but i feel it applies to any game really.. i hate begging for cons.. some people are nice and help you up.. even if there is no point getting back into the game i wouldn’t give up if i had 1 con left and my team was still fighting or i had an army.. but if i have only some caretakers.. i cant restart an economy..
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I don't think this has ever happened to me. Not once. The likelihood of having caretakers survive while your factory goes down, as well as every other con on the map, plus your commander... Not high.

I don't think caretakers having the model would break anything, but it would seem quite inconsistent. Are you sure that this isn't a hole in your own game? Like... how many cons do you build and where do you send them?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Caretaker cannot be able to build Athena. They have the most nano range so the most annoying potential for nano-baiting.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Unless you had caretakers in a different position from your factory where you were building singus or something, it's hard to imagine it surviving as SB said. Personally I'd rather keep it simple despite the odd chance of a situation such as yours occurring.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
"i cant restart an economy.." I think caretakers should be able to reproduce and build caretakers. 😉
+2 / -0
its true i build hardly any cons.. i guess its only happened that none share with me twice.. mby even a few more times.. it feels like more.. must just be me and my loose a com and base style of play.. i use a com and caretaker on front-line to collect metal.. sometimes air notices my com and my base gets raided .. result is dead com no base an army a caretaker and a dream

btw nuclear bombers are very good vs coms

im not sure if im supposed to plan for air with heavy aa and risk being butchered by land =/

and i make 1 llt in base its like never enough but if i make 3 or 4 i feel im neglecting expansion.. i see pro's sometimes make none.. i mostly just try to keep a strong front-line but some units like jacks can just punch through a place i was not expecting.. meh i think im just noob
+0 / -0

9 years ago
At the very least you should build cons for the reclaim.
+0 / -0
im not sure if im supposed to plan for air with heavy aa and risk being butchered by land =/

and i make 1 llt in base its like never enough but if i make 3 or 4 i feel im neglecting expansion.. i see pro's sometimes make none.. i mostly just try to keep a strong front-line but some units like jacks can just punch through a place i was not expecting.. meh i think im just noob
As with much else this is just situational. If your team has air superiority then making AA is probably a waste but if your team has no planes then making some AA is advised.

"Pro's" usually have good awareness and can estimate how likely it is that their base is going to be raided on a specific map in a specific situation.
I myself usually don't build defenses near my base because I can usually spot enemy raiders when zoomed out or on the minimap and send my own units to intercept.

Also if the whole enemy team decides to bumrush you then there is little you can do except trying to inflict as much casulties as you can and staying alive and hope that your team in turn can capitalize and punish the enemy elsewhere.
+0 / -0
Random neonstorm:

1) Nerf resurrect so it has minimal discount. You pay the remaining metal and energy to convert the wreck back into a unit, so there is no net metal discount (lots of BP discount though since you don't have to reclaim the wreck and it's already effectively 2/3 done).

2) Let caretakers resurrect.

Then caretakers are your fast-comeback-mechanic. Energy and BP are in resources in shortest supply after a near-wipe, so that's what rez needs to conserve. Metal, on the other hand, is plentiful in the form of wrecks, so that's what resurrect would be least-efficient with.

Resurrect avoids the nanospoofing problem since wrecks don't have nanoframes. Of course, the obvious downside is those nasty caretaker-farms around heavy porc putting the porc back up as fast as you can destroy it. That is exacerbated by the fact that wrecks go straight from untargetable to fully-active, so it might be necessary to hack in a starting stun or something, so that resurrected units are still vulnerable/useless for a bit after being rez'd.
+0 / -0
this is some good advice =) it was helpful and not mockery.. i will build a few more cons and do my best.. thank you

i still feel tho that aa has a hard time dealing with nuclear bomber strikes on coms i suppose if they loose the bomber and i can reclaim then that will have to do.

Pxtl i am worried your idea might cause the resulting unit composition to be without any strategic weakness.. it might unbalance the game mby.. because if your getting hit by cloakies you kill a few and then you have cloakies.. that might mean that when an army reaches critical mass it could be unstoppable as it may collect vast numbers of mixed unit types and gather speed in doing so.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
You feel useless with only caretakers? Don't you know how many striders you can dig in the ground with just a bunch of them?
+2 / -0