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Remove feature where players are moved to different battles

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12 years ago
This feature is the most annoying thing I've seen for a long time. Whenever you join an open battle , it will often move you to another one. So far, the only way around this that I have seen is to change everything except the type that you are playing in. However, this is quite annoying to do over and over again. Could we keep different types of 0k battles but not move players around automatically?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It won't move you if the battle you joined is not ingame and has enough players.
If you want to join a game that is running to spec it, set your status to spectator in lobby and it won't move you either.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Today, I was trying to join a battle, but every minute or so, it would move me to a battle with 2 other players. I had all preferances set to neutral (all set to dislike doesn't work) and the battle I wanted to be in only had 4 players per team.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think the logic it's going for is that it thinks a large teamgame is going to take a long time to start and a 1v1 will start instantly, and sooner is better.

I have mine saying "like FFA, like Team, neutral 1v1, and dislike co-op" and it hasn't bumped me yet.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Basically it walks through 1v1, ffa, pw, teams,chickens and tries to put 1 person into each.

If some game cannot be made work its removed from consideration.

so IF there are 1v1 players waiting AND your liking of 1v1 is not less than current game you joined AND you are the best elo match AND moving you wont starve teams game off players or teams game cannot be made work at all -> you are moved to play 1v1 !

Set your preferences according to what you really like,you can change them at any time.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you like one game type and never everything else then you should not be moved given that you join the game you like. Is this right?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yes google
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'm trying to play a large game on the Newbies Welcome server. Every minute or two, it boots me off and puts me in a Chicken server.

I want to pick what I want to play and where. I have it all set to Dislike. Trying to set it to Never just resets it to Neutral when I refresh.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Janitor, I put our conversation from earlier here.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
only move unreadied and unspeced ppls.


+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was in a team game and I was moved to another team game. The match wasn't full, preferences were set at never for everything but teamgames, and I had no choice. I had no knowlage of the move for a while, because it happened during a game, and the other game immidiatly started. I think that we at least need something where it asks you if you want to be moved, and to not request to move people until at least 1 minute after the game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you are ready at this host you usually don't want to move.

Don't move readied ppls

fixed - happy :P
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you are speccing running battle but unspecced in lobby of course you will be moved.
If you are speccing and dont want to play spec yourself,simple as that.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That there are sollutions doesn't mean the system isn't opaque. It would be better if instead of auto-moving, there would be a pickup telling you there's another battle ready. Then you can decide if you want to stay here or join the other.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
But there ISNT another battle ready, thats the whole point of it virex..
It makes battle out of nothing from existing idle players..
If just one refuses it wont work ..
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hmm, I hadn't considered that the system would be so fragile.

Still, from a user point of view, a popup or another form of manual input would be preferable to the current system. After all, people generaly don't like being shuffled around all the time.

One option would be to adjust the lobby. There could be an extra pane at the left-hand side where there's, in order:

A priority drop down box for each game type
A "search new game" button
A tick box: "search new game when current ends", unticked by default.
A ticker giving some information about how far the search is (could just be a timer)

This would make it clearer for people that a game is being searched, instead of dumping them into another game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I disagree about manual movement. Manual movement will ruin the system. I just think there needs to be a way to opt-in to the system other than idling in a battle, and otherwise apply it to any player waiting for a battle to end.

But players in an open battle they're waiting to start? Unless they're actively playing against their preference (I actually have a higher pref than current mode) they shouldn't be moved.

If I joined an in-game thing and I'm waiting for it to end so I can play? Bump me into something that will start soon by all means. If I can be bumped into something I'd actually *prefer*? Likewise. If I've joined some kind of waiting room? That too. But if I've clicked an open game, there's the reasonable expectation that I intend to play that game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Alternately doing the bump *just after* the battle ends is also reasonable. At that point the battle is over and the new games should be formed based on player preferences.

It's just the act of "I clicked on open battle X, and it bumped me to Y" is wrong. That specific permutation is the problem.

Also, I'm curious - if you've got players who obviously seem to prefer mode X, will it still try to find enough to put together a game of mode Y or Z?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
System works roughly as you describe.
Only difference is that it treats all games of same type (like all TEAM games) as equal and will shuffle people between them at will to eradicate too small games and optimize elo and clan distribution (not working properly yet).
If you join some game, it adds +0.5 to your valuation of that game type.

If there are people who like Z more than X and they are joined in X they can leave X and form a new Z game even if it breaks X...

Say if you have two people who like 1v1 more than teams and they are in teams game it will automaticlaly make 1v1 game from them.
If their prefered Z game cannot be formed they will be in games they prefer less than that.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What about making a web page where uses can set their preferences like as it would be a lobby-pannel.

If it opens in a new window, and don't display unneccessary stuff like tabs or menues, it will work with all lobbies.

We can also move votes to self-refreshing website - it should be completely seperated from the website and highly optimised for the refresh.
-> There may be an option to link a client web page with JavaScript to the lobbies.

We would have our own battleroom with all rank, level, pw and settings stuff.
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