I am not a tech student/professional [I am a nurse by the way]. quite clueless about using Git actually
So if you don't mind making a more detail version of how to compile. Else I'll look into it when I have free time [there's some near the end of the universe].
tried pr-dpwnloader:
C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0.1-1136-g1ea4d20>pr-downloader chobby:test "Blank v1"
pr-downloader 0.7-293-gf70d00d
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring
[Info] opened C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\repos.springrts.com\repos.gz
[Progress] 0% [ ] 0/0
[Info] Found 25 repos in C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\repos.springrts.com\repos.gz
[Info] opened C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\chobby.repo.springrts.com\versions.gz
[Progress] 100% [==============================] 13192/13192
[Error] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/main.cpp:188:main(): No file found for Blank v1
[Error] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/pr-downloader.cpp:68:GetIDownloadByID(): GetIDownloadByID: Couln't find dl 0
[Info] Download complete!