The recent expo brought some changes to ZK's UI which are bigger than any UI changes we've had in recent history. At the moment there are lots of issues and I can't really say that the changes have been entirely good, but it seems like
some changes are going to be inevitable in the way of increasing user friendliness and reducing new player confusion.
In particular I've begun working on cleaning up the widgets menu so that things which should never be disabled will no longer appear in the widgets menu at all. There are some other things I have in mind but I don't really want to do anything that will make people hate me for it later, so for the moment I will instead pose a question:
Should Zero-K have a standard UI?
I'm not talking about removing the choices between various graphical effects widgets and optional UI panels and things, but certain things would be cleaner if they were simply considered part of the ZK interface with no option to disable them.
Some examples:
-newton firezone
-constructor factory guard (which has a toggleable button and settings in initial unit states)
-hold fire when cloaked (which also has a button and settings in initial unit states)
-local team colors (also, does anyone use simplified team colors? imo they should go in the garbage)
-the nuke launched warning widget
-the com morph complete notification widget
-the end of game "overwhelming advantage" announcer widget
-unit rank icons
-unit state icons (shows priority icons when shift is held, for units not using normal prio)
-the keep target widget (makes attack commands behave like 'soft' priority target commands)
-auto-patrol nanos (same as smart nanos but with a cleaner config)
Would not being able to turn off any of those things annoy you?
My goals with all of this are:
1) to prevent newbs from accidentally breaking their game.
2) to clean up and simplify the widgets menu.
3) to standardize the zk interface, or at least get a consensus on what things are ok to make part of the 'standard, built-in ui' and what things should absolutely be optional.
So, do you have a widget that you can't live without? Is there a widget you think should burn in a fire? Speak now or suffer later!