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Units are doing weird stuff with attack command

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I recently noticed that some units are either standing out of their attack range or go full meele even when they are ranged.

Sadly I dont find the replay where skirmisher tried to kite static buildings, resulting in not attacking at all.
Instead I got a replay https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/772592 of a grizzly not going into attack range against a land urchin at 9:50, because it allways tried to attack other units. At 10:10 it did not want to move to attack urchin so i manually moved the grizzly, but then suddenly grizzly decided to go into meele range with urchin. It actually attacked not the urchin but a mex instead and then even started to attack radar dots even when urchin was right in its face.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
I have also noticed units miscalculating attack distances when there are large height differences between them and the target.
These seem to fall under two classes:

  • Gravity ignoring projectiles. Units with these will attempt to fire at units just out of range and if attack-moving will stop out of range (which can be very frustrating.
    • This can be observed with both Guass (south west around 1/3rd through the game trying to attack a shield ball) and Ultimatum (south east around 1/3rd way through the game trying to attack a Desolator) in this game: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/771123
  • Projectile weapons. Units with these will overestimate their range when attack-moving if approaching an elevated turret, stop too soon and will just sit there.
    • This is most commonly seen with Cyclops attack-moving to attack elevated Stingers on Gecko Island. It is also frequent with Crabs approaching raised turrets.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Cyclopse vs summer is just that it's in range to for the slow bean but not the cannon. I'm sure if that in the sense that I play the game, not that I know the underlying code.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I try not to use the attack command anymore. I may even disable it in my interface. The attack command always seems to work worse than a move and a fire / target command.
+0 / -0
i have a replay of recluse running into enemies.. ill check i was not mistaken but from memory its this replay
ok ill check it now....

yeah @ just after 11:52 @ +51% a recluse stands still and allows itself to die
it seems to be when its doing its firing animation and reloading animation.. even though it could be running away and shooting it will finish attacking or reloading on occasion

ad just after 17:00 i loose a recluse who stands next to a lotus.. maybe it cant retreat when its got units baring down on it from 2 directions

as you ca see the recluse might also just be targeting units they consider a safe distance while they ignore the closer units
+0 / -0