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Gnats abandon target too early

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5 years ago
If my memory serves right, a swarm of Gnats used to stun-lock multiple targets quite effectively. Now they seem to be too eager to move on. Could be the overkill prevention set too low?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I'm pretty sure that gnats are one of those units that can only attack whatever they're chasing (ie they don't have a rotatable turret). That means zk has literally no control over what they attack.
+0 / -0
HUrankRhade I watched how you use the gnats. You need to use the spread-out attack area command to make them effective (meaning each gnat will pick at least one different target). Without using this option they will just target what's close to them and thus they won't be effective.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Again, I may be wrong, but one Gnat used to stay on the first target regardless how their attack was queued, spread or not.
+0 / -0
IIRC you can toggle off overkill prevention to get back to the old behavior.

Nah, Gnat is not on the list of units that are handled by OKP.

Nor does its unitscript even contain a single reference to BlockShot.
+0 / -0
I used them for practically the first time recently and they seemed to automatically change targets whenever their current target was stunned. Which was a good thing, as it meant they stunned enemy groups maximally. However, it did mean individual enemies would sometimes blip out of emp, since they didn't accumulate a lot of emp charge. I guess this behavior might be bad if you have more gnats than enemies, but its definitely good if you have less.

I moved them in line formations and attacked using line fight commands, as I do for almost everything.
+0 / -0