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Why did DaKeys get banned?
113 posts, 5346 views
of 6 (113 records)
4 years ago
Hello, this is DaKeys' dad. I know I already posted this question on the Discord chat site, but he wanted me to post on this forum as well.
He is asking why his Mekkie account got banned only a few hours after DeinFreund allowed him to play under that account (with me monitoring his behavior). I spend a large part of yesterday talking to him and Jasper trying to get him to be able to play this game again after he has been complaining everyday about being banned ever since school got cancelled. After a long discussion, DeinFreund allowed him to play after he participated in a Codeforces contest today.
Please look into this issue, as Dakeys was very happy to find out he could play again and promised to behave well in the game, and he wasn't expecting this to happen.
4 years ago
you remind me of myself when i was a youthling,
i had this stupid idea that i wanted to smoke.
it was sub-optimal for sure.
when my parents caught me i promised to them everything and i wont do it again and ill behave but please let me go out with my friends. they say ok,
next day im out with friends and smoking.
see there is no mistakes only people unwilling to see in themselves what needs to change
4 years ago
Hello, this is DaKeys' dad.
4 years ago
ok what did da keys dad do that is so bad to deserve this nasty cartoon
he only wanted to ask a question
also that cartoon is not funny, mocking is not funny in general, and it is NOT fun being on the receiving end >>TRUST ME<<
could someone at least answer the question
idk what da keys did, but mocking is definitely not the right thing to do
just at least give a valid reason for the ban
4 years ago
I believe the mocking arises from people believing that this is DaKeys impersonating his own dad and not his actual dad.
DaKeys has attempted ban evading several times since his ban, including making smurfs that come to the forum to speak on his behalf while pretending (very badly) to not be him.
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
Ban this #### please, he does exactly the same he used to do
Joins a game - voteresigns/suicides, resigns and then spams !resign and !kick against players
Reported with replay + another one on
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
and was known to be for a few days. He was let through the ban because some moderators took it upon themselves to unban him based on stories about DaKeys' dad setting him on the straight and narrow, with various bits of partial verification and behavioural assurances. By the time the rest of the moderators were online the policy had already been set.
I think the course of action should not depend on whether the DaKeys' dad story is true or not. If it is true, then I don't have the time or inclination to have Zero-K function as an integrated facet of an individual's life-wide behavioural therapy. I don't think the other players have much patience for it either. Zero-K is not parental control software, that already exists, so we aren't in the business of unbanning someone because they have done their homework on time. The rules for a game are simple, if a player consistently misbehaves in the game then we should do as any other online game would do and boot them.
If the story isn't true then we're just dealing with someone willing to spin any type of tale to get unbanned.
He is asking why his Mekkie account got banned only a few hours after DeinFreund allowed him to play under that account (with me monitoring his behavior).
While most of the other moderators read what had been decided upon overnight and decided to not immediately go against what had apparently become policy, not everyone had kept up to date. The result was the banning a clear smurf of someone who was permanently banned, since this is usually what we do with smurfs.
I am writing this post because the moderators that granted to unban failed to take an important step - tell the community. If the community thinks that someone is technically meant to be banned (and the
profile page even says so) then they are correct to report smurfs of that account. Those reports not being acted on creates confusion and is likely to catch non-smurf accounts in the crossfire. If it seems like the community would riot over such an announcement then perhaps the player is not ready to be unbanned. This is a delayed attempt to clear up confusion.
Due to the multitude of reports for a similar pattern of trolling, and the lack of communication from the moderators regarding the unban policy, I have reverted the policy back to "ban
". Unfortunately the policy is not completely the same as last time because this has revealed an issue with permanent bans - namely that there is no incentive to not try to work around them. The new policy is as follows:
is banned for one month.
Any smurfing or wiki vandalism or any other nonsense resets the ban to three months.
If he ever makes it to being unbanned then the
account is unbanned (if technically feasible) so as to not get reported as a smurf.
Edit: One month.
4 years ago
Hi, DaKeys' dad again. I just talked to a couple of admin on Discord, but DaKeys wanted me to post here too.
So from what I know so far, he got another two-week ban for starting unnecessary votes during the game which annoyed other players. Niether of us was aware that this was an issue with the community before the ban, and DaKeys is upset that he got another ban just two days after his last ban (which he is still claiming was unjustified) without warning.
We were wondering if you could consider removing this ban or at least shortening it since we feel that the offence is relatively minor and he didn't get any warning to stop this behavior. I will make sure that DaKeys doesn't create any more unnecessary votes from now on.
Thank you for your understanding.
4 years ago
4 years ago
No... DaKeys I am your father.
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
Thanks for your hard work moderators, we thank you for making this a better place to come and have fun.
out with the riff raff.
( Love how dakeys himself downvoted this >.< )
Peace & Love all - What goes around comes around!
4 years ago
I have to come out since he is coming out too, but I am Obama. Take off your clothes.
4 years ago
he didn't get any warning to stop this behavior
He was actually warned several times, including a formal modaction which took away his ability to actually start votes for a few days before the first ban.
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
He says that warning was specifically for trying to exit the game unnecessarily, and he avoided exit votes after that. It seems that he failed to understand that applied to all types of votes. I'm sorry that he continued starting excessive votes and have told him not to do it again, so could you reconsider dropping this long ban for such a minor offence?
Or perhaps repeating that ban from starting votes (while allowing him to play silently) as a compromise?
4 years ago
Why in the world am I seeing rule-lawyering in zero-k like all the time? Did this start with the steam release? Was I just not paying attention 5 years ago? And how can someone think this is appropriate behavior? I would ask who, but the who is right here!
4 years ago
He says that warning was specifically for trying to exit the game unnecessarily...
That was not the only time DaKeys was told to stop his vote spamming. And really, if !exit spam was annoying why would spamming !kick votes against your teammates be any less annoying?
Or perhaps repeating that ban from starting votes (while allowing him to play silently) as a compromise?
If DaKeys wanted a "compromise" he should not have made several new game accounts to try to get around his ban.
Given that, it seems fairly obvious to us at this point that DaKeys has no intention of respecting the Zero-K Code of Conduct, in particular section 5:
5. Abide by Moderator Actions
Moderator arbitration is intended to resolve disputes, not prolong them; as such, we expect you to respect and abide by their decisions. Do not try to avoid penalties such as mutes and bans by using other accounts; mute/ban dodging of any kind is punishable by immediate banning of any alternate accounts used and an extension or increase in the original penalty.
and as such the current attempt to rehabilitate him is a waste of our time.
A year-long ban has been applied; perhaps at that time DaKeys will be prepared to respect the rules of the community. Attempts to circumvent this ban will result in it being extended.
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
who's there?
dakeys who?
4 years ago
why do we even anwer at all?
4 years ago
(edited 4 years ago)
why do we even anwer at all?
I don't think there's any genuine legal obligation to respect the wishes of his so-called "Father." Nor respond after a sufficient explanation has already been given by the staff. Especially on a public forum, I would imagine if this was actually his father, he would have kept the matter private, not out in the open. My own father would rather call customer support or email a company, rather than go on their public forum and demand an explanation.
(Obviously its not the same for a game like zero-k, but we already know this "father" is capable of directly talking to the staff over discord, therefore making the continuation of this public thread needless. There is no need for community input as the punishment is already settled)
Personally, we have already been told that DaKeys has the capacity to lie or otherwise deceive staff by making alts to evade his bans. So why even give him the time of day?
4 years ago
why do we even anwer at all?
Because new players may read this thread and start think that he was banned by 'bad mods'. So i think its very good that moderators answer in such threads. We should not think that everybody will just understand.
of 6 (113 records)