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Title: log1's Battle
Host: LUranklog1
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.4.5
Engine version: 104.0.1-1510-g89bb8e3
Battle ID: 899258
Started: 3 years ago
Duration: 63 minutes
Players: 4
Bots: True
Mission: False
Rating: None
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Team 2

Chicken: Hard (1) <Chicken: Hard>

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3 years ago
+5 / -0

3 years ago
This is madness!!
+3 / -0

3 years ago
+2 / -0

3 years ago
This is Sparta!!
+3 / -0

3 years ago
can someone cast it please?!?
+3 / -0
3 years ago
A twitch cast of the replay. We played a game at the start of the stream with 1.9 multiplier for metal and energy vs suicidal chicken. Skip to just after 60 minutes for the replay cast.

+5 / -0

3 years ago
really madness.

do you pause from now and then? Because you can move the mouse but game just freezes?
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I know you can pause the replays, but not sure about when you're playing a game. You can use the + and - of the keyboard numpad to change game speeds. We had issues with the game in the beginning of the stream with 2 players lagging or disconnecting.

I am really impressed with how the game is setup to handle lag and disconnects. Very smooth transitions and very slick feature to allow reconnects. The catchup replay you get when reconnecting is great feature.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
The catchup replay you get when reconnecting is great feature.

+1 / -0
3 years ago
I think so. Gives you a brief recap of what transpired since you lost connection. Yes, it has the downside of taking a few extra seconds to get back in the game. But now you are caught up before given control and not spending valuable time trying to do your own intel which could have been spent giving orders to your units.
+0 / -0
3 years ago

After rewatching the stream, I see what you mean. We are not pausing the game, just the guy hosting the stream must have had issues on his end where it wasn't updating everything the game was doing.

Here is the replay link to the game we played at the start of the stream if you want to see whats happening without the pause issues.
+1 / -0