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i just made a phone-energy plan-marketer from india hang up.. told him id answer a question if he answered one.. then mentioned the struggles in india (where he was from) and how hard it was economically since allot of people lost there jobs.. i kept talking about how i was thinking i could do more and he said have a nice day and hung up.. but then i got thinking

maybe he didnt like me.. maybe he felt shame.. or maybe it was appreciation.. empathy? .. allotted scamming time? maybe he simply found it too hard to scam me.

idk.. but i wonder looking at the world if money is really the perfect system.. and what drives people to kill for money or prostitute.. when a bowl of rice costs very little

then i remember that life is grim and full of pain.. and people get wrecked like ships lost without lighthouses

all the rotten things in us.. humans are hell

and our willful chaos is self for-filling and desire driven

every time desire and suffering are mentioned its judgement so i guess i could stand to care less
but i don't think i can ever not care at all

i see what looks to me like evil.. in the form of desires like greed among many
i think evil is suffering ~ good is when no suffering is wanted

and im not just angry any more im shocked and sad to see whats become of everything..
when the only hope for our crazy modern world seems to be giving up all hope of people rejecting desire
so that i dont have to even think anymore because its so pointless.. not enough people are going to save the earth

or them selves

or there hearts

i shouldn't vent my emotions here.. ill go for a walk .. and learn to see that im just the same and im full of emptiness that is not 'need'
+1 / -0
4 years ago
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Its ok to want things. I think life is defined by want. Living beings are defined by want, as opposed to rocks, who stand still and want nothing because they're not alive.

That is why Buddhism never quite clicked for me.

As for people being silly and the world being full of suffering, that is kind of a glass half empty perspective. I believe people shouldn't let the "state of the world" get to them at all.

The world will always be huge, chaotic, confusing, and full of suffering. That is why its called "the world", and not your backyard or heaven. You can't change the world, it will always be what it is.

Even if humanity does great strides in reducing overall world misery and fixing the environment in the next few decades/centuries, your opinion and that of others who suffer for the world like you wouldn't change at all, and your happiness wouldn't improve at all.

I know because humanity has already done great strides: we live much better than our antecessors and are indeed living humanity's best age right now. And yet the lamentations over how horrible everything is haven't stopped.

Your problem isn't the world, its your perspective of it and how you let the state of the world affect your inner life. Even if you think the world is ailing and in need of help, that doesn't need to mean you live your life unhappy.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Value is a fake thing in a sense, especially tied to money. Who sets the price of things? I can buy a 36 pack of candy bars for 18 bucks, or I can go to the drug store and buy one bar out of the same box for a buck 50. Or sometimes it will be on sale for 75 cents. But it's not true that prices are set, there are places I'm the world where bartering and bluffing can push a price down super far in street markets I hear. And even when a price is set in a store, a different brand from a different store can sell the same thing for 1/5 the price.

Downtown in a dense City the price of a coffee or meal may be double a similar meal in the suburbs of a much smaller town. Do is the value then "to get this thing here and now?" If you are incapacitated at a hospital, there can be no bartering the price for life saving surgery/treatment.

Also, given covid, people are getting scammed more, the same way they were scammed last year just more frequently. Don't trust someone else that ties to your finances. Don't give your phone with saved banking/payment information to other people, don't let them TeamViewer your PC. Don't cash checks for other people, a cashed check for thousands of dollars might look like you have funds, but it can take 3 weeks until the bank confirms and tells you that the check bounced. Be careful.
+4 / -0

4 years ago

I wished everyone could have multple skills, capable of doing all life basics.

Then it will rise bars for everything, demand for higher standard in life.

+3 / -0
heh. thanks. you people actually teach me things
+0 / -0
4 years ago
He figured you knew
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Your problem isn't the world, its your perspective of it and how you let the state of the world affect your inner life. Even if you think the world is ailing and in need of help, that doesn't need to mean you live your life unhappy.
Completely agree, and I think that if something can be improved it's an opportunity! I think if you try to help a bit "the world and people around you" (not far, nor big) you will feel happier. Just accept you can't solve everything...

And as an example I think your (random) thoughts posts on the forum help people think and discuss about other issues than the usual ZK drama (who kicked who and ramps), or world drama (don't get me started here).
+2 / -0

4 years ago
You better stop smoking that linoleum.
+0 / -0
> idk.. but i wonder looking at the world if money is really the perfect system.. and what drives people to kill for money or prostitute.. when a bowl of rice costs very little

shelter, storage, access to water and bowls of cooked rice would be an absolute minimum, and that describes a minimum that is meaner than most prisons.

basic seasonal Clothing, shoes, and means to store and clean both; Medical and hyenine products such as soap, razor and a toothbrush; Water to clean yourself in; bedding; relative quiet, privacy and safety to sleep in; temperature control; food storage sufficient that you do not have to live in continual subsistence. Now we are describing a lifestyle you might achieve by living in a hospice or hostel dorm room. In the west you're probably looking at a minimum of £30 a day to sustain that most austere, basic and viceless of lifestyles - £900 a month, £10,800 a year. Without a steady income where are you going to scrape that essential minimum from? If you don't have the steady income what are your options?

In that position, without employment, you end up in a zero sum game; you can only get something by taking it from someone else. Its not hard to see where the evil seeps in, it becomes easier to justify taking from others by dehumanising them. If everyone had enough to exceed that basic level of requirement (universal basic income) I wonder how much evil would be left.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I don't think being a jerkass correlates much with being poor. Many poor don't steal, many rich do.
+3 / -0
If everyone had enough to exceed that basic level of requirement (universal basic income) I wonder how much evil would be left.
Judging by the terrorists incidents across Europe, I think evil is not only related to the economic part. Humans have more needs than the basic survival ones, and feeling excluded, afraid, lonely, etc, can make people believe and do very idiotic (evil) things.
+3 / -0