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Lance TKs

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Lances keep team killing my Felons & shields and it really gets annoying

Especially when people keep them at the back
+0 / -0

4 years ago
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Maybe Lances should just have friendly fire disabled. I mean, under normal intended operation, team damage would never happen anyway. As I understand it every instance of team damage by a Lance is unintended.

Its not the ideal solution, the ideal solution would be Lances that never shot allies/cut off their beam to avoid that. But until someone gets around to coding the ideal solution, this might be better than the current state of affairs.
+0 / -1
4 years ago
Units being able to shoot allies is part of the fun of the mechanics of Zero-K. Lances don't (or at least shouldn't) shoot through allies unless they move into the beam after it was fired. So, not getting hit by friendly lances boils down to awareness and proper micro of units. Ask the Hovers player to manage lances better or keep Shieldbots out of their line of fire. Yes, it's easier said than done, but IMO something that needs to be learned rather than prevented in code.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
This is slightly interesting topic, as while Lances don't intentionally fire through friendly units, it does often happen because of their long beam time.

Now, friendly fire is part of Zero-K. At least when it comes to AoE damage like Fire Walker, Ogre and Tremor to name a few. This is however tied to the way AoE damage behaves, especially with non-instant projectile speed. Lance friendly fire is still completely manageable with proper unit management, especially when you don't tend to have too many lances on the battlefield at once.

However, if we changed Lances not to do friendly fire. We would face a new problem. Currently whenever Lance hits a friendly unit with its beam, you are essentially punished twice:
1.Your own unit gets damaged or even dies
2.Enemy takes reduced damage

So lets assume Lance did no friendly damage. Now you would not take any friendly damage from Lance shots, but you also would cause significantly less damage to the enemy as even single friendly glaive would be able to tank the entire Lance shot, thus shielding the enemy.

So Lances not doing friendly damage would just create a new, although different problem to solve. As such, it is better to keep it as is for consistency with overall friendly damage mechanics.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I don't really have a problem with the way it is now. It is best just to be mindful of where the lances are relative to the enemy, and also whose lances they are, and if they are being microed or not. If a decent player has the lances and/or the lances are being microed, you are probably fine standing in front of the lances. I personally avoid standing in front of the lobsters spamming lances, as that is dangerous, unless I need to be there with front line units to protect them. In that case a little bit of friendly fire is probably to be expected and is just part of the territory. The same would happen with firewalkers or tremors.

I recall spectating a game where a lobster had a lance that was doing quite a bit of accidental team killing (probably a couple k of metal) and one of his allies just killed the lance. I don't even think the lobster noticed.

Friendly fire/fluke hits are part of this game though, something which was inherited from ta and how the engine works. I had a likho shot nearly point blank by an ally big bertha the other day. I have seen an impaler kill a flying likho. I lost half a dozen nimbuses to a big bertha shot. I have seen a flail missile shoot at a swift miss and land the killing blow on an otherwise unthreatened, but low health factory. Random stuff like this happens, and I find it part of the fun of the game.

A beam stopping thing might be worth looking into though. It could take into account the cost of the friendly unit crossing into the beam, that way 1 ally glaive doesn't save a valuable enemy unit.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
i lose more lances to teamkilling then to the enemy in some games. whatever, its part of the unit, there is no technical solution.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I used to suggest to lower the hitbox, exclude the turret out of it so that it's less likely for other lances to enter beam of the elevated turret. It could introduce other issues though.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Why is it ok for lances to TK and we get banned when we do TK?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Introducing the tracker beam into FW helped kill off some TK. I haven't seen lances TK except when the beam is active and the lance is moving, so the last step would be to lock lance in place while firing.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Isn't there already an update to address that? A few weeks ago somebody complained my lance tk and just after that I noticed my lance would refuse my command to fire if there's an ally unit in the way.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
It's always been like that.
+1 / -0