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Limit PW battles to 5 vs 5

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Currently it is 10x10 its too much most newbs and other people join PW just because it is biggest game not caring about PW whats so ever(including me) newbs could have their big teams games and you who like PW proper PW games everybody wins.

Actually it might be good idea to limit even lower like 4v4.
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
I kind of like this idea (mostly because it would probably reduce lag for me)

On the other hand, would this not make the clanstacking issue even worse? It is a lot simpler to bring 4 or 5 clan members together compared to 10

On the even more other hand, clan vs clan fights might become more common and clans might have more meaning so it might actually be for the best

On the extra other hand 16x16 and larger maps would become a (bigger) pain to fight on

but..On the other extra other hand this might open up new strategic possibilities since you need to be more mindful of flanking options and threats … which would be interesting (hard, but interesting)

Also it would (probably) mean simultaneous battles on different planets will become more common.

Soo… it seems this would be ..on the whole.. a good idea… but appearances can be deceiving ,

In any case… I say it’s worth a try.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I bet you look like this...

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12 years ago
+1 for 5v5
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i agree, also pls just lock full games so there wont be any split issues. ninjaspecs are a disgrace. and another thing i would like to see is a level limit of at least 10 in pw games. why have a elaborate meta game if you let random decide the outcome of 50% of battles, by having newbies play them? no offense intended, but newbies are either terrible or way too good for their elo (for people that are actually smurfs or played other spring games). either way they ruin balance on pw games, and most of them wont have a clue about whats going on in pw anyway.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
wtf, you guys repeatedly exited todays potential high elo PW 5v5 because it was 'too small'

get your shit straight
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12 years ago
exited people who dont like small games.
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12 years ago
It would be the best PW rule ever.
+0 / -0
i would enjoy PW more if the games were limited to 4v4. But the fact is that a lot of people really enjoy the 8v8+ games. Who are we to deny them those type of pw games?

The super big multi player games have become some sort of a unique selling point of spring (the game, not me :P )

Is it possible to reintroduce the small teams host for planetwars?
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12 years ago
Would you really enjoy 6v3 games with 80% lose chance?
Thats what you are in effect asking for.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Probably only juggler could help creating normal PW 4v4 or 5v5 matches? Anyway current scheme is not perfect either.
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12 years ago
Would you really enjoy 6v3 games with 80% lose chance?

Spec 3, start 3x3. Win.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
perhaps some middle ground can be found, would it be possible to make the room limit scale with map size?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Room limit cannot be changed without rehost atm.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho: ... soo if each planet with dropships in orbit had a separate host it would work? while also letting people choose where to fight ?

wolas: not really , more like this:
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm all in favor of discouraging anyone (including random, casual, or new players) from playing PlanetWars unless they really really want to.

Someone who just wants to play a game should end up in a non-PW game.
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12 years ago
thats why PW room must be smaller.
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