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more striders, without strider hub

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3 years ago
I feel lumping all striders to their own factory (strider hub) is an exception to the flat tech tree concept, and that the strider hub should be removed. The striders should be shifted to other factories, and more striders should be added to provide each factory their own set of striders unique to them. Some factories already have a striders (Krow, Likho, Jugglenaut, Cyclops), so it is not uncommon to have striders in factories, it is just not currently the norm, as it is expected to build the strider hub to have access to most of these larger units. This also gives everyone the same striders when they build the strider hub, which lowers the uniqueness of each factory.
+1 / -0
I get your point, but I kind of like it the way it is. I think it's good to have to build a separate factory to build all the monsters (though, most of the other facs have their own beast for good measure (like you said)).

Perhaps a new factory should be built for an entirely new class of units? This is straying off topic a little, but a new factory would add some more diversity/flavor to the game.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
Some facs already have demi-striders like Cyclops and Grizzly. I kinda like that you have to pay extra to access the big boys, because that makes it a more tactical choice that has a cost.
+7 / -0
IMO: move Shogun, Scylla and Reef to a Capital Shipyard, which is just what happens when you build Strider Hub on water with depth 20+

They ain't striders, they don't stride, they swim
+6 / -0

3 years ago
Capital shipyard is so 1990's. Can we not simply have ships with legs instead that stride?
+5 / -0

3 years ago
My biggest complaint about the strider hub is that its a bit bland, the least cool-looking factory IMO. The TA krogoth gantry was pretty sweet.

I'd be amused if the battleship became a game-ending floating artillery fortress of death (untransportable by any means other than floating itself).
+4 / -0
3 years ago
I dont think it's possible to move striders to normal factories, due to how easily it would be to just snipe the factory and kill the nearly completed strider inside. A detriment or paladin would never get made due to how incredibly vulnerable they would be during construction.
+6 / -0
3 years ago
The nice thing about strider hub is that it is possible to have parallel unit building, such as starting up two different projects, say a Merlin and a Funnelweb, and get them both done at the same time.
Moving striders back to factories not only removes this, but it lowers the amount of striders available for someone to build at any one time.

Instead of one 800metal strider hub starting a whole bunch of strider projects, now, in order to build other types of strider, e.g from Ultimatum to Merlin, you'd have to build the factory that makes Merlin first and then start making the other strider.

It just seems like it will complicate things and unnecessarily increase the cost of making another strider.
My stance on this topic.
+1 / -0
There's also the issue that the current build menu is pretty cramped, and some players don't like the build menu getting thiccer to accommodate the striders

shipfac would be the biggest issue here, it's already a cramped factory with just about every role taken and it needs to take in 3 more striders.

There's also the issue that most striders just inherently belong to striderhub. their defining characteristics are pretty much just "strider". It would be pretty out of place seeing paladin or detri in the build menu of any factory.

Personally, the best way to shuffle them would be like this:
(it still runs into issues with striders being out of place)

Athena => planes
Ulti => cloaky
Dante => JJ (flamethrowers are the most common in JJ)
Scorp => Spiders
Funnel => Shields (to avoid spiders getting 2)
Scylla => Ships (only place that has subs)
Reef => Hovers
Shogun => Amph (amphs are usually havier than hovers, and shogun is heavier than reef)
(ISSUE: amphfac is underwater)
Merlin => lveh (nowhere else to go)
Pala => tanks (nowhere else to go, heavier than merlin)
Detri => specials tab, next to the other superweps.

In the era of site mods, you can always make a mod that does this and see if players prefer this over base game

EDIT: the vehicle factories are also in a pickle as there is no vehicle striders
+1 / -0
I feel lumping all striders to their own factory (strider hub) is an exception to the flat tech tree concept

In my view 'concepts' like the flat tech tree should be employed for as long as they are good for the game, and modified or ignored in situations where they are not. I don't really see anything wrong with how the Strider Hub plays at the moment to justify a change.
+9 / -0

3 years ago
I would rather let you start with a strider hub, that way this argument can't go anywhere and I can get more easy wins form the strider hub start noob trap. Strider hub exists as a bin to store all of the units that don't fit into a current factory archetype.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Could we have strider plate please?
It's quite inconvenient pinging teammates in the middle of the battle begging for some strider frame...
+4 / -0
I like the direction of ZArankAstran ´s and EErankAdminAnarchid ´s thoughts, kinda following the same path how about a morph option on a Factory to like FactoryMk2?

Offers a lot of oppurtunites for further balancing
HP, BP, Storage, Range, Number of Airpads etc.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Strider fac plates sounds like a good idea, because begging for frames is sometimes annoying, altough there would be that problem with the "mother" strider fac. If you build a plate a your main factory gets destroyed, you are screwed, plate production is halted. Since strider fac builds frames, there is no way to stop work on an already built plate.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
If you build a plate a your main factory gets destroyed, you are screwed, plate production is halted. Since strider fac builds frames, there is no way to stop work on an already built plate.

This is the same with regular plates. Only the plate is disabled when its factory dies. You can still continue to building the existing nanoframe with external assist.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Lol what if caretaker gets striderhub units of it's close enough to an active striderhub
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Hm. Let caretaker morph into a big thing that can build striders. Lets call it a "NURSE" (nanoparticles-using robotic strider engineer).
+2 / -0
3 years ago
Several issues that were mentioned with this:

No vehicle striders:
I agree this should be addressed. I think there should be more striders, just that they should not become the focus on the game.

Sniping almost finished nano frames by destroying factory:
Frustrating as it is, I think this is actually a good thing. A key weakness on striders is the long build time. Kill them before they are made. Also if you are building a strider in an area where you are not defending, you deserve to have it sniped. I also think Paladin should be at the high end of striders cost. Detriment is never going to be worth it as super weapon are just a little more.

Strider hub allows to be build in parallel:
There are build plates that not only allow this, but they are cheaper then a nano tower and provide the same build power.

Build menu is pretty cramped:
This is mainly an issue in ships. I think ships should be separated into different factories. We have multiple factories for land, and we only have 1 factory dedicated to the sea. 2 that are land/sea.

Striders at the factories would allow:
Striders to be build earlier in the game, which would mean that they would be countered earlier.

Since strider hub does not have a build plate, build plates would give access to team members striders, though this is not required as all factories should have access to at least 1 strider.
+2 / -0