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the tide of war

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3 years ago
this topic is about attacking strategies.. mainly ways to break different kinds of fortification

i will add many over my days..

please keep to topic.. its all about attacking.. assaulting forts
+4 / -0
3 years ago
shields... attacking these i use racketeer or even sniper unit whatever its called ... oops my game is staring i better go...
+1 / -0

3 years ago
It really depends on how "mature" the defences are. If you're talking about late-game defences and they have clusters of shields hiding behind terraform and forests of gauss, razor and stinger support, with cerberus in the heart, GL with that. You will be there all day. Best is to throw a ring around the super-porc and nuke it.

Lighter porc is much more easily dealt with.

Tremor with AA and riot support is my go-to. sometimes I even let guys establish a nice nest of LLT's, Pickets and the occasional Stinger if I know that I'm bringing Tremor up soon. That's all free metal out there.

Impalers are a particular nuisance for porc because they can salvo stuff from so far away. If you can get fleas close enough so that they can spot for Impaler it's generally GG for the porc.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
Impaler seldomly makes cost against heavy shields.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Heavy shields can kill Impalers?
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Impalers just have too low of DPS/cost to deal with shields. They're just fine against shieldless porc though.

Light porc (lotus/picket, stardust or two): any artillery works, some skirms too. Sling, bulkhead, badger, etc. Anything that outranges Lotus and outranges/resists Picket works. The trick is not overinvesting in artillery.

Medium porc (stinger, supporting light units/defenses): Longer range artillery is needed, or avoiding it altogether. Most skirms die to stinger and rushing light units die to riot turrets or units. Lances and phantoms do enough burst damage to wipe out turrets. Buried caretakers are a pain to deal with.

Heavy porc (lucifer/deso/cerb, shields): Use a missile silo on any super turrets. Tremor has the best DPS against shields and also flattens raised porc, which makes it easier for your artillery to hit. Prioritize non-hardened units (don't shoot gauss, razor, or faraday if they're lowered). Use widows or gremlins to scout for artillery, since most of this will be radar jammed by cornea. Tremor also deals with cornea as well as buried caretakers.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I think Merlin is the best heavy-porc breaker. Its salvos are strong enough to punch through heavy shielding and still have enough DPS left to destroy valuable targets. At the same time, it has enough AoE that you can afford to fire without perfect intel and still kill stuff. You can easily tax the enemy not just in energy for shields and repairs, but in actual units lost.

Tremors can be very good, but have the disadvantage of being outranged by many artillery units, and heavy porc will usually have heavy artillery. Cerberus in particular ruins tremor's day.

Cerberus itself is also a pretty good porc-breaker provided the enemy doesn't already have one.
+4 / -0
i have always wondered how much metal damage emp missiles do to shields.. like do they make cost in energy drain.. i dont think so

im probably inclined to agree most with merlin.. but they do cost allot
+0 / -0
Yup your right, there's like no situation where shockley would make cost by stunning shields.

+3 / -0
3 years ago
What about the other side? How to defend against this? how to do good porc? I really am bad at porc and would love to know how to be defensive
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Tremors can be very good, but have the disadvantage of being outranged by many artillery units, and heavy porc will usually have heavy artillery. Cerberus in particular ruins tremor's day.

Cerberus itself is also a pretty good porc-breaker provided the enemy doesn't already have one.

that`s why i think cerb is bs.
+1 / -0

3 years ago

1. you need energy first and foremost. shields, cloakers and caretakers are the important tools for cluster-mega-pork.

2. you need a good choke-point to prevent enemies going around you.

3. the closer to the enemy base your porkfest is, the better.

4. you should have counterartillery ready

5. you scale up your pork over time. end-result should consist of: multiple desolator, cerberus, faraday, gauss, razor (to soak more damage) and some long-range aa like 2 - 4 chainsaws. back that with the shields, funnels and caretakers and don`t forget anti. Spread your stuff out a bit so that silo cannot stun everything at once.
Then see who has superweapon first.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
Katastrophe has it right. Plus, I use terra in heavy defences to create zones that cant be hit by artillery fire unless it's almost vertical. If defences are built right they can be extremely gnarly to crack. I usually leave super-porc alone or engage it with stuff like tremor that drains the shields and their E over time. Better to go around. I actually count on guys to try storm my porcfest because I usually get so much metal off the carcasses that I'm better off than before.

The only guy I really shat bricks for was Firepluk who would scout me, stun my anti and nuke my lobster catacomb :p
+1 / -0
I think Merlin is the best heavy-porc breaker. Its salvos are strong enough to punch through heavy shielding and still have enough DPS left to destroy valuable targets. At the same time, it has enough AoE that you can afford to fire without perfect intel and still kill stuff. You can easily tax the enemy not just in energy for shields and repairs, but in actual units lost.

At certain critical densities even that stops working, so you're reduced to using things that do their job through shields - like dominatrix balls, or ultimata hugging a shieldwall of your own.

Or, well, a superweapon.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Is terracreep&nasty popup towers okay tactic to kill porc? To start building a terracombic snaily turret-rich thing that gives cover to itself? Is this possible?
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Is terracreep&nasty popup towers okay tactic to kill porc? To start building a terracombic snaily turret-rich thing that gives cover to itself? Is this possible?

If you fail, porc wins. If you succeed, porc wins. Therefore, it is not a tactic to kill porc.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
bacteria also kill other bacteria. is that not killing bacteria?
+2 / -0
3 years ago
The only difference is whose porc it is then? But, ah, well, smokeDragon posted 'this topic is about attacking strategies.. mainly ways to break different kinds of fortification', so maybe stop talking about this XD (oh, I started that... Oops)
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Yup your right, there's like no situation where shockley would make cost by stunning shields.

Maybe shockley should be a bit cheaper.

Then again, shockley + some other rocket(s) makes cost many times.
+0 / -0
Assault units work fine against Stingers, although you may take losses. Immediately supporting your assaults with high-DPS units means that most porc will go down without too much casualties.
This is the most basic way to attack porc, although it is unadvisable to use this strategy at high porc densities, such as multiple Desolators or that Doomsday cannon (forgot the name of he heatray-plasma turret)

I.e Using Halberds to push into Stinger, while Bolas/Dagger/Mace follow up and destroy everything.
Rover equivalent (I think?) is Ravager + Scorcher + Fencer.
Spiders can use Hermit + Venom + Recluse.
Heavy Tanks can use Minotaur/Cyclops + Ogre/Blitz.
Cloaks can use Knight + Glaive.

Softening it up with artillery is advisable.

Key point - try not losing non-assault units while rushing porc. Most assault units cannot effectively hit other units, so they tend to be not as useful when fighting against another army, but losing riots can lead to getting swarmed, losing raiders mean DPS is lost, and losing skirmishers, depending on the factory's need for them, can be crippling.

Of course, if your assault unit is the type that consistently hits other units (Grizzly, Cyclops etc), try not losing them either.

If you get massive porc, such as in big teamgames, it might just be best to get a superweapon.

+1 / -0
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