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Split room according to elo

10 posts, 697 views
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11 years ago
I like how it splits the rooms according to elo, but i think it better if a room reaches 20+ people it should put all high elo players in the (1600+) room.
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
I agree
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11 years ago
And what if I dont want to go to that room?
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11 years ago
wolas: it means you prefer noob bashing over ballanced, challenging games and will give you negative karma
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11 years ago
This subject has been argued and argued and argued. It doesn't work cause people will just gravitate back to the "big room". If it did, then we would see alot more games in the experienced room than there are.
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11 years ago
Yes I prefer big "noob bashing" games have any problem? Its not that I m "mean" to them or something in fact I often give them advices and never rage on them(well I can say something mean if they do something totally useless and even after advices they still do it).

I like easy fun games. Small and competitive when you must use every nerve is not for me. I loved competitive gaming when I was 16.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Lol it splits already. Might aswell just split into a room where we can get better games.

People can already go back to the other room and find that the game has already started.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
For the record, somehow the 1600+ players self-organized to go to the experienced room a couple of days back (numerous crashes trying to start 30-player games had something to do with it.) That was some of the most fun I've had so far with ZK, the game size was great (4v4) and very competitive.

It is a real problem though, and will only get worse as ZK gets more popular, as it seems to have been lately (conspiracy theories that all nubs are just Licho trolling notwithstanding). As the frequency of games crashing due to too many players, and bad splits increases, I think the general lack of motivation to self-segregate by ELO will evaporate. Forcing it would be a terrible idea though, how are new players supposed to learn? Being able to play alongside good players and learn by example and doing is one of the great features of ZK and its community; I would hope that we wouldn't see that go for good.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Really I feel like I get the most benefit from playing with players as close to my own skill level as possible, even during those first few newb games.

If I want to learn from experienced players there's a huge database of replays built into ZK. It teaches better than getting steamrolled by one.

As for anyone who doesn't want to get put in the 1600+ room, just move back to the newbs welcome room. You shouldn't get put back unless it splits again, which won't be happening just after half the room has been moved out.
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