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Zero-K v1.11.4.1 Many Maps and Lots of Languages

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18 months ago

For this update we looked through the new maps from the wider Spring (now Recoil) community and featured a bunch of them. Some will play better than others, but that's what feedback is for! The update also adds translations for Chinese and Italian, and includes an engine update that was benchmarked to improve framerate by 9%. In terms of balance there are nerfs for Reaver and Lance and a cost reduction for Krow. The unit reply sounds have also been rebalanced.

New Maps

We have featured 67 new maps, with many from BAR or raaar. Some are makeovers of classics, others are new takes on a theme, and many are completely new.

There are many large maps suited to big team games or comp stomps: Alpha Siege Dry, Ancient Vault, Bismuth Valley , Carrot Mountains, Darkside (v3.0), Eight Horses, Fool's mate, Entrenched Plains, Heartbreak Hill, Highway 95 East, Highway 95 West, High Noon Remake, Ice Scream (v1.1), Ice Scream (v2.4), Omega Valley, Pawn Retreat, Red River Remake, Red Triangle Remake, Riverrun, Silveridge, Sphagnum Bog, Starwatcher, Taldarim, Two Continents Dry, Two Continents.

These maps are a bit smaller, good for 1v1 or small team games: Callisto, Death Valley, Desert (3.25), Desolation, Ditched, Dockside, Hades Ponds, Hexian Arena, Lake Carne, Mithril Mountain, Scorched Crossing, Theta Crystals, The Halite Maze.

Some particularly experimental maps are: Crucible, High Forts, Hooked, Sky Fortress Sigma.

The maps Point of No Return and Timna Island are designed for chicken or coop games as they are asymmetric, with one side starting in a fortress.

The following maps are updated versions of classics, although many will feel new as there are a lot of maps to play through: Altored Divide Bar Remake, Coastlines Dry, Comet Catcher Remake, Copper Hill, EmainMacha Remake, Incandescence Remake, Highway 95, Hotlips Remake, Icy Crater, Into Battle Redux, MoonQ20XR2, Nuclear Winter Bar, Ravaged Remake, Seths Ravine Remake, Supreme_Crossing, Tabula Remake, Tangerine Remake, The Cold Place BAR, The Hole, The Rock, Tumult Remake, Valles Marineris, Zed Remake.

Predicting which maps will or won't work is tricky, so send feedback. Old versions of revamped maps were left up as they may be distinct enough to coexist or there could be a problem with a new map.


Live unit reclaim yields 80% of the cost of the unit in metal, up from 50%.

Reaver is 7% worse both at firing and turning.
  • Turn rate 1850 -> 1710
  • Reload time 0.467s -> 0.5s

Conjurer is slower to nerf cloakbot expansion rate.
  • Speed 57 -> 54

Thug is better at hitting things.
  • Weapon velocity increased 200 -> 210

Rogue is also better at hitting things.
  • Weapon velocity 185 -> 190

Ravager is also also better at hitting things.
  • Weapon velocity 238 -> 245

Lance is probably due a nerf of some sort and cost is simple.
  • Cost 1000 -> 1100

Krow needs a buff to make it relevant to modern Zero-K.
  • Cost 4500 -> 4200

Superweapons have 25% less health to make them easier to snipe.
  • Starlight health 10k -> 7.5k
  • Disco Rave Party health 16k -> 12k
  • Zenith health 12k -> 9k

Added an experimental game option that reveals superweapons that exceed 5% build progress. It isn't on by default, but could be interesting to test.


  • Added Chinese and Italian translations (click the flag in the top right of the screen ingame).
  • Cleaned up a few unit reply sounds and rebalanced them relative to each other. Most replies are a bit quieter.
  • The tab playerlist share resource buttons now take your storage into account to display how much will actually be shared.


  • Added a game-side lava gadget so that mappers can create lava maps without copying code into the map file. Maps can add lava by including the file "mapconfig/lava_config.lua". See here for the parameters and here for an example. It even supports tides.
  • The startbox editing tool can now be toggled under Settings/Toolbox. This makes it hotkeyable provides space for a hotkey explaining how it works.
  • Added vertex-wise undo, snap to cardinal direction, and snap to map edge to the startbox editing tool.


  • Fixed UI scale detection for screen resolutions in the 2000s (ie 2560x1440).
  • Reset everyone's UI scale settings to catch people who where affected by the issue above. Set Lobby or Game Interface Scale in the main menu under Settings/Lobby and Settings/Game.
  • Fixed menu volume resetting when the track changes.
  • Fixed and reset the non-functional Unit Reply Volume slider.
  • Improved the performance of the map list.
  • Toggling "Only Featured Maps" in the lobby updates a previously opened map list correctly.
+14 / -0
18 months ago
Krow needs a buff to make it relevant to modern Zero-K.
I am sure raaar will love this

Good idea with super-weapon snipping! And the 5% option is interesting - if possible maybe enable it for one weekend to get feedback, I think will really help with reducing stalemates, but you never know ...
+3 / -0
18 months ago
100 metal increase for lance is a late 1st April joke. Even if you increased it to 2000 metal, it would still be viable and spammed because it's great at clearing small unit clusters and individual large units from long distances with zero risk. Cherry on top is that it ignores water and can fire while moving, even backwards.

If you want to start nerfing lance, remove the duration of laser so it can't damage more than 1 unit at a time.
+2 / -0
18 months ago
More map, more fun :)
+4 / -0

18 months ago


+2 / -0
18 months ago
lob pot is set at 30 instead of 32
+1 / -0
yeah that was me. Wondered if anyone would notice. An additional lobpot was just erected though
+1 / -1

18 months ago
why tho?
+3 / -0

18 months ago
Timna Island

Seems like West and East are mixed up (as seen e.g. in resign votes).
+0 / -0
Abhorrent approach to public relations when you secretly try to manipulate your players like that.

Worst part is you don't even ALLOW players to host a replacement. You never did. You hold hosting privileges and options hostage to your ingroup. In the few years I've played here you've never changed or even attempted to fix the situation, you somehow think it's a good idea to stifle your own playerbase like this. You clearly know what's best for others.
+1 / -1
It was me and me alone. I set up a new lopbot and fiddled with room sizes when there was the Taiwanese streamer that recently came with thousands of viewers as he at one point took over lob pot. Long story short there's now another 32 player room while one room ended up left at 30. So in my mind nothing was lost? But I'll set that one too to 32 no problem.
+3 / -0
18 months ago
Abhorrent approach to public relations when you secretly try to manipulate your players like that.
Not to mention the annoying patience they have with all entitled people that imagine the whole universe plots to make their life miserable.
+1 / -0

18 months ago
+0 / -0
18 months ago
[...] you don't even ALLOW players to host a replacement.[...]

Don't take this as a commentary for or against. Just trying to puzzle out what this means. I am easily able to create a room with up to 32 players, so simply not sure what that's referring to.
+0 / -0
18 months ago
Just trying to puzzle out what this means. I am easily able to create a room with up to 32 players, so simply not sure what that's referring to.
You can not create a room with maximum limit of more than 32 players (for example a 64 player room).
+1 / -0
18 months ago
With regards to the lance, I still find I lose far too many likhos to them (usually they will knock off a k of health or something). It's definitely much better after the update adjusting it's vertical aim, but it's still something I actively have to think about, which feels weird for the kind of unit a lance is.

In general hovers seem a very strong choice on any map that isn't mountainous.

+3 / -0

18 months ago
With regards to the lance, I still find I lose far too many likhos to them (usually they will knock off a k of health or something).

Yeah, it's funny how lances are good at hitting planes and zephyrs are bad at hitting planes considering what types of units they are.
+2 / -0

18 months ago



+0 / -0