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I know there is already some post talking about that, but i'm too lazy to find it

I have just tried it in a regular game aaaaand it sucks, i think its dps should be higher
Also, a player attacked that jugglenaut with jacks... guess what? Jugglenaut attracted them to itself! That's quite pointless... Maybe the jugglenaut should have some repulsive turrets too, so it can keep the enemy at air without being too close... or just give it an on/off button like in newtons
The dgun looks amazing though, so i'd just change/buff its main weapon
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Jugglenaut gets broken with every change to spring's physics, and spring's physics change with every release.

Honestly, I think the unit probably should just be removed if the tractor beams aren't going to get fixed.
+0 / -0
i made a proposal in the other thread to give jugglenaut an outlaw kind of gun, but with emp (or lightning) instead. i think this would fit his current design very well, giving him the ability to freeze all things he attracts slowly. also would make him a really good porc breaker unit, which is good since atm he has no real purpose. also the only other unit in the game right now that can walk straight up into heavy porc is the detriment and at 24000 metal you can hardly call it a counter - while 12k? seems to be fine price for that task.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I agree at the porc breaker thing,sounds good
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Outlaw weapon already deals slow-damage in addition to vanilla damage.

Personally I'd rather just replace the grav-guns with capture beams, but I'm zany that way. That would make it into the scariest assault-unit *evar*.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Personally I'd rather just replace the grav-guns with capture beams

EErankAdminAnarchid approves this
+0 / -0

11 years ago
>but with emp (or lightning) instead.

This would mean 3 out of 6 striders would be using EMP weapons as their primary. Seems odd to have such an emphasis on EMP.

>Personally I'd rather just replace the grav-guns with capture beams

This would be freaking awesome! I would make the cap beam very low range (almost melee range) so that it can only capture units that it pulls directly into range.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
maybe just take banthas emp stuff away, it sucks anyway :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If it has a massive cost and very low capture range, it should have no or very little (~0.5s) wait time between captures, or be able to fire several at once.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
wtf are you noobs talking about, the jug is f***ing awsome...

if someone is attaking you with jacks, use the dgun and send them flying to the moon, hell it can send anything flying

maybe if it cost ~6000 it would be more cost effective, but jug is one of the most badass units in the game, really just cause you never use them dosent mean they are bad
+0 / -0

11 years ago
>them dosent mean they are bad

A single Ultimatum can blast them to pieces before they can even turn around. I've never seen one build for a serious purpose; they are always unleashed after the game has already been won.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You say that like it's bad.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
tahts why i say lower theyre cost, its not that they are bad they are just soo expensive
+0 / -0
11 years ago
if you lower cost, they still lack a purpose. with cap gun theyre just an expensive (and probably op) dominatrix. give it emp aura, then it has a purpose and people will use it when the game is becoming all porced up but before people can afford detriments.
+0 / -0
i like jug grav cannons, and its dgun, if you want to add emp pulse thats fine...
but i really dont want to lose its curent armemet, its posibly one of the most lol units in the game, and probably one of the most powerfull (if the dgun is charged)
+0 / -0
wtf are you noobs talking about, the jug is f***ing awsome...

yeah, like hammers
+0 / -0

11 years ago
an expensive (and probably op) dominatrix

Hell yeah! :D

give it emp aura, then it has a purpose and people will use it when the game is becoming all porced up but before people can afford detriments.

An oversized and probably OP outlaw will somehow be effective vs porc? How?

Also, giving it an area-pulse weapon of size like outlaw will make it an uber decloaker.
+0 / -0
it wouldnt necessarily do actual damage, maybe just emp. this way you got a massive 100000 hp unit that can walk into porc, soak up damage and basically just sit there until everything in its radius is stunned, making way for the rest of your units (that you still need). small stuff like llts will be stunned pretty much instantly, while annis and ddms take a while so its not a win button. lets face it, right now the only real solution to massive porc is nukes or anything from a detriment upwards, artillery can only do so much when shields and cloakers are everywhere - and most counters to porc cost more than the porc itself, youre not winning when you take out annis with tacnukes. what is needed is something that can actually stand up to massive porc. right now jugglenaut has the hp to do so, but its damage is negliable.

it depends pretty much on the amount of damage this does if its op or not. most counters to it (if jugglenaut ever needed to be countered) still work. ultimatums would be decloaked right away, but they can still fire off some shots most likely.
+0 / -0
most counters to it (if jugglenaut ever needed to be countered) still work.

What counters? Ultimatum, for one, will be decloaked before ever getting in range.

I must admit i like the uber-outlaw idea somewhat, though.
+0 / -0
but whats the problem about working against units? and what kind of units were talking about? goliaths arent supposed to be stunned right off the bat. ultimatum i wrote above, can still fire some shots probably before they get stunned or chewed up by the laser gun (also they get sucked in so they get from decloak range to attack range pretty fast, and we didnt talk about how big the area of emp will be).

other counters i could imagine are most air units, crawling bombs, emp, dirtbags (force enemy to put the juggler on hold fire or get stuck instantly), and probably some more. you can still make your porc even bigger and just kill it with annis and such, its just a scaling thing then (as much as you could make a second juggler to counter even bigger porc).
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