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Fun Facts I Learned while playing Strategy Games (Reposted)

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The hardest task in any combat strategy game is to make people want to fight each others

The side that lasts the longest is usually the one that does not attack

The most effective spy is the one that does not want to destroy a team

When people see each others' armies, they, for some unknown reason, do not attack.
But for some weird reason, the opposite is true.

The player that says "I carry the team" is (usually) the first one to get targeted down by the opponent.

The strongest players don't care about winning or destroying the opponent. Often, they try to help!

The most effective commanders often say, "I wish the units are their own commanders."

Even the most aggressive players didn't sound like they wanted to kill me.
I thought it is a gift from god! But then I realized I'm not alone.

Even the strongest of players have done the stupidest mistakes, no matter how good they are.

Often, in an army of identical light troopers, there is one that is given several ranks, and 19 dead ones. I wonder why?

Often, in a shooter game, one side wins and the other side loses, even at a disadvantage. They have no commanders.

"Real Time Strategy Game"
"98 soldier classes"
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13 months ago
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