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The lightning spire : emp based superweapon

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ive noticed zk dosent have any emp based superweapons so id like to propose one:

the lightning spire
nuke type superweapon
cost 3500
load time 1 minute
cost 300e/s to load at maximum speed
~bb range

targeted lighning storm (nuke sized area)~geting hit by 5 stileto
20sec emp timer

maybe give it a animation 10-15 seconds before it hits of a massive lightning cloud so people with mobile units have a chance to GTFO

uses: nuking shieldspammers, taking out porc whores, zapping antinukes, poor mans nuke, assisting assult

the actual cost of a functional lightning spire is 3500 for building, and 4000 for singu so its fairly balanced

imo would be cool thing to see ingame
+0 / -0
interesting idea, but this whould then be the only weapon to use E for loading. Maybe just have it connected to a 300e grid?

Other then that it does seem to fill a missing role as a passive superweapon (something that doesn't kill directly). But what's the counter?
+0 / -0
the counter is not porcing XD

thats what the 15 second warning animation is for, it tells you to move your shit

also closing ddm/anni would work too if your grid dosent get knocked out

the other option is investing in a 3500m shieldball, sneaking in a skuttle/sythe, building a spare antinook, or having enough reserve units to defend the emped crap for the 20 seconds that it would be vulnerable

i opted for charging cost rather then grid link to prevent people from just rushing one out as soon as grid is linked, and making it so that building 10 lightning spires dose actualy drain your econ (recuring cost of 3000e/s instead of onetime cost of 300e for all of them)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
well, rushing a 300e grid is not an easy task (9 fusions or singu+2 fuisions) so no trouble there. but i have a problem with this being a wepon like no other, since it drains E directly (unlike M, as in other powerful missile-type weapons)

another idea whold be allowing it to fire as much as it can(with 0s delay) if you feed it more E (like overdriving a mex), but this idea has the same problem as yours: how will this effect overdrive and why is this the only weapon that does this so directly?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like letting the emp weapon have no charge up and just fire whenever you tell it to, but if you dont charge it up, the emp discharge should be very weak. Make it exponential to encourage charging. At full charge it could disable a large area for ~20 seconds or whatever, but also it could fire weaker bursts for a smaller radius and shorter disabled time.

I liked the classic idea of big guns draining e when they fire. Maybe even give the thing a slider of how much e you want to pump into it. I dont think its the only weapon with an energy cost... but other weapons should cost more e to operate imo.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
No currently existing weapon cinsumes E. At most they require a grid with 50 E in it or more, but they don't need the E itself to fire. These are the DDM, anni and behe. Super weapons don't need E at all (witch i don't understad). A nuke needs M for the missile.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I want nukes to emp the area below them if they explode in the sky. I often read that's what nukes do and think it would be really interesting to try this in ZK.
+0 / -0
Nukes or any large explosion (like meteroids) always make an EMP. Could we make it so the Zenith, nuke, and things like singularity explosions cause EMP?

Also, we should have a capture superweapon. 30k metal cost or more, but it does the capture damage of 5-10 capture cars at starlight range. If it runs out of power (drains a constant 300 e) everything it controls turns back to it's original side.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Oh, wait, plasma also causes emp. So let's also enable emp for that, too. And Energy Machine Gun? well, no-brainer, it should cause EMP too. Long live the emp-glaives.

Speaking of glaives. Since bandit no longer regenerates, can we at least have it turn its torso with speed worth mention? Currently it's vastly outclassed by glaive while costing more.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Sounds ok, E to charge wouldn't be a problem because it can be a stockpile based thing.

Speaking of stockpile it would be good for them to have priorities.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I want a version that shoots flame. It will be called the Spire o' Fire.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Can it sing as well?

Could be the Choir Spire o' Fire.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I want it to dance too... Dancing Choir Spire o' Fire!
+0 / -0
I think its a good idea, it would encourage people not to porc, i would just make the AOE smaller than nuke.

About execution and early warning:
I would make some rocket which will dig down to ground so enemy can see it, then it makes small wawes of energy on ground from the center and after about 10 waves one big ball-blast!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I support it being a missile so that antinukes can stop it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I want it to be a big thunder cloud that shoots lightning like a stilleto.
+0 / -0
i am totaly against antinukes for this...

if you want an anti against lightning spire, i would be in support of a small, but verry strong shield structure costing ~800m to block the lightning strikes from a specific structure (antinuke, anni, ddm) over a verry small area (~150)

a powerfull long range anti- anything in my opinion is crap, it ruins the game, and provides too much porc potential, especialy against a weapon that is a porc buster.

imo antinukes should also cost more, to encourage that you actualy try to kill enemy nuke instead of retardporc...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
how about adding a large-radius powerful EMP to the existing nuke? IRL H-bombs produce very powerful EMPs (lookup Starfish Prime EMP to see what I mean). The EMP radius would be about 2x-3x larger than the nuke's main blast, getting less intense as you go out. This way, even if a nuke was caught by antinuke, if it was closeish to it's target when caught it would still wreck EMP havoc.
+0 / -0
In the case of a nuke I think EMP would be somewhat unnecessary. On one hand if the nuke hits pretty much everything will be dead so EMP would be redundant. In the case of EMP in with anti-nuke I fear that it would make the nuke impossible to defend against. Even if you had an anti-nuke; the EMP would ruin whatever you were doing so defending against a nuke would become pretty much impossible. I like the idea of an EMP superweapon, though I would guess it should be cheaper unless the time was through the roof.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The only stun superweapon I'd want to see would be a Bertha-like weapon that fires Racketeer-like missiles. Basically, same gameplay as Bertha but with higher trajectory and stunning projectiles. A little more effective against shielded targets (though not as good as the EMP launcher).
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