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Calling for a DRP buff.

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I think after this amount of time, DRP needs a serious buff. It is seriously incomparable to other superweapons.
I think it's sad to see such a unit get nerfed to oblivion, it barely gets used anymore.

(It can at certain occasions be useful, but these are not really often from what ive seen.)

A few things to point out:

- The turning speed is slow

- The firing speed increases after time

- The firing speed decreases while turning (i think)
+6 / -0

10 months ago
Yeah its underused, but it would hardly make the game for fun to go from 2 hide-and-build superweapons back to three of them. Yay.

It should be different than the others, much closer to the front line, much cheaper and more about crushing porc. IMO.
+3 / -0
how about making it attack in an arc (horizontally)
+0 / -0
10 months ago
i think it might be cool as a very low accuracy weapon that showers a huge area 4 nukes size in random hits.. so that it can be buffed a bit in rate of fire and cant focus fire like zenith and starlight can but rather then target a single place it out-damages both in terms of non single target dps but as area denial.. like tremor
+2 / -0

10 months ago
i think it might be cool as a very low accuracy weapon that showers a huge area ....... as area denial.. like tremor

Eh, tremor is annoying to everyone trying to operate in its target zone, doing that at a larger scale sounds bad.

If it was sufficient to go after groups of shields (mobile and static) while being less suited to smaller targets, I think it would change the trench warfare in a good way.

It would need to be a bit difficult to remove by tacnuke. (High firing angle is perhaps sufficient.)

Oh well, I know perfectly well there isn't widespread interest in such a change. :(
+1 / -0

10 months ago
+2 / -0

10 months ago
Yup, high firing angle. The killer feature vs bertha! Perhaps insufficient vs tacnuke, I've never tried that duel, having never built a DRP in my years of lobpot. Anyway with the right balance of cost and survivability, DRP could be a superweapon intended to be used up close, which IMO would add some spice to things.
+1 / -0

10 months ago
I have no idea what numbers a close-range static superweapon would need to have to be less than hard countered by tacmissiles.
+1 / -0
Big ones!

But seriously, is there room for something a bit like a cerb, but more game-end-ey? Something that can be made at a reasonable price, that can break down all that annoying porc? Right in the face of the enemy team. Maybe cost == 1 paladin, and a tough son-of-a-bitch to get rid of. Doing massive damage is less important than getting it out there to stir up some action.

Or if its expensive, imagine the damn thing can't be destroyed, only unplugged from power, disabled, stunned, and captured. That would make things happen. Fight over the DRP or lose the game. (Or lose the part of the map it can reach anyway, I think it should have somewhat modest range.)
+0 / -0

10 months ago
It is significantly more precise while on low firing mode, so it is meant to be the least hide-and-fire of the superweapons. Otherwise, it could probably be a bit better. Not sure. Some stats on how often different superweapons win would be good.
+4 / -0
I don`t get the point of it being close range. So what you mean is that it would force the enemy to attack the spot it is build in?

There are some things contradicting each other:

Something that can be made at a reasonable price, that can break down all that annoying porc?

Doing massive damage is less important than getting it out there to stir up some action.

not sure how you want to get rid of desolator-cerbs protected by two-digit-numbers of shields...

the damn thing can't be destroyed, only unplugged from power, disabled, stunned, and captured.

First, "stunned" would also mean shockley, aka silo. Second, desolator is already a bit like that, and I find it pretty unfun to play against it, if you can`t go around it. The thing is that pylons are quite easy to protect and - especially - to rebuild. So overall I personally can`t imagine anything like what you propose, but that does not mean I am not convinceable.

+1 / -0

10 months ago
are we dunking on shields ruining the game again?

+0 / -0

10 months ago
Some stats on how often different superweapons win would be good.

I don`t have actual statistics ofc, but in the games I have played since the superweapon-rework, I think I have only seen DRP twice, with one of it being this: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1867315
Which ironically shows zenith vs DRP. The DRP team wins, but I think only because we had the upper hand already and could silo the znith a few times, but we still needed to build an additional starlight to actually end the game...

+2 / -0
10 months ago
The thing is that pylons are quite easy to protect and - especially - to rebuild.
Maybe more super and very heavy statics should have the "restart time" mechanism of zenith, to make severing the grid connection more interesting. For example a 30sec start time for a cerberus after it gets disconnected from grid.
+1 / -0

10 months ago
Imho this is only a problem for Desolator, because it is so tanky. With cerb i rather loathe the AoE...
Anyway, thats a topic for another thread.
+1 / -0
So overall I personally can`t imagine anything like what you propose, but that does not mean I am not convinceable.

I'm pleased to have had the discussion, in any case. Someone else might create a new mashup of possibilities, but it seems to me that long-range death-dealing is pretty well covered. Something closer to the action should be possible. A superweapon that can't be destroyed, and is sort of forced to be in the middle of things, would represent new gameplay.

Some stats on how often different superweapons win would be good.

No stats or links, but I can remember a few recent games were a DRP made a memorable appearance. Not even 1/10th as often as the other two, which IMO are almost indistinguishable in practice, and usually (but not always) rather boring. (The weapon is far away. You can't reach it. Your teams dies.)
+2 / -0

10 months ago
not sure how you want to get rid of desolator-cerbs protected by two-digit-numbers of shields...

Its a massive cannon firing multi-colored shells. ;) Adjust the candy flavors to whatever is needed, for example a massive disarm shot. IMO its most fun if other armed forces are combined with the supporting fire of the superweapon for optimal effect. I could see disarm & slow & damage being a nice ammo cycle to put the enemy at a disadvantage without directly destroying them too much, but thats only three flavors.

A superweapon that does something important, but isn't the solo hero "I win" button.
+1 / -0
10 months ago
I've mentioned this in the discord before, but I think a tossup of the current strengths and weaknesses of DRP and starlight could work to help fix superweapon balance. Personally, I feel zenith is fine so won't mention it.

Currently, Drp is short ranged, low damage and low hp, and also has a very hard time changing targets in a pinch.
Starlight, by comparison, is more expensive but does incredible damage, long range, fairly good at changing targets and is also incredibly accurate, allowing it to annihilate frontline armies as well as snipe singus and other points of interest easily.
With this in mind, I suggest a change of the roles of both units.

Disco Rave Party becomes an unstoppable barrage of death in the direction it is pointing in, as long as it spins up. Double, triple, or even quadruple the spinup cap and let the fire rate get to simply incredible levels if you wait for long enough. Nothing should be able to stand in the way of a fully sped up DRP. Now, this unit is very bad at switching targets effectively, still suffers from comparably poor range, and has low health. However it's maximum DPS is so astronomically high that the enemy is forced to kill it or risk losing an entire front. Simply outlasting or outshielding it will not suffice anymore.

Starlight changes to be more like the Novax station from supreme commander, losing a lot of damage per second but keeping the range, terraforming power, and pinpoint accuracy. Decrease cost slightly to compensate. No longer will this melt pala, Detri, shielded superweapons, and everything else. It changes to be more of a costly nuisance, still killing singus but mostly dealing eco damage and killing undefended buildings or frail units in a massive radius. Kill caretakers, fusions, facs, artillery, but build a different super if you need to crack a massive line of porc or bust through a heavily defended super.
+3 / -0

10 months ago
Nighthawk, I generally agree with the sentiment although it should be noted that wikis stats on drp are fairly out of date afaik as drp has almost the same range as starlight now, a decent bit more than zenith.
I think its worse than the other two at sniping high value structures in holes which is significant as well
+0 / -0
Good to know, guess my own knowledge is lacking as well. I've been used to it having the worst range for so long I forgot it was changed. Perhaps a hypothetical "Super DRP" could keep the range, since at longer ranges it would lose accuracy and be naturally worse at sniping things anyway. Give it long enough and sheer weight of shells might be able to overcome the innaccuracy however.
+0 / -0
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