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The Shieldbot Update

9 posts, 495 views
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9 months ago
Someone said that Felon is the only shieldbot unit. I wanna change that with some easy changes propositions.

Bandit - It now uses shields to repair its health. Explanation? Its chasis uses shield... coating.
Rogue - No buff. Its AI is now set to stick close inside a shield's boundary, running back to the shield when escaping its radius, when nearby.
Outlaw - If near a shield, its attack now transfers to (1) shield unit, giving range as big as the shield. The rest remains unchanged. (If you wanna have more outlaws, get more aegis) (Customizable)
Racketeer - Now uses shield HP to charge its attacks, either enabling or powering up its attack.
Vandal - Insta-hits air units that are inside a shield. (Rocket acceleration or hitscan, whatever. Maybe the shield accelerates the missiles.)
Dirtbag - Remains unchanged. It's funny as it is.

The goal of these changes is to make the individual units synergize with shields more, but not necessarily rely on shields, akin to amph bots or cloak bots or other similar units. At the same time, this goal conflicts with the shieldball's main fun is that every unit is practically useless outside of a shield.

Bonus change: Strider hub can now build every bomber: Skuttles, snitches, imps, limpets, directly from the strider hub.
+0 / -1

9 months ago
and yes, i will bully the devs if they don't implement the changes :)
+0 / -1
i think you mean pester or harass the devs.. bully would be an attack.. you dont mean to say attack.. your making a joke about nagging.. winge or whine is along the same lines.. its when your asking relentlessly.. so its not an attack because you can be ignored.. where as to bully is to hurt the feelings of others and this becomes hard to ignore but is also an act of evil

you must respect that this game belongs to those who devoted time, code and assets they decide things. if you want to get more involved with the design you could model a unit and comunicate your desires perhaps if your willing to compromise and form a friendship with the devs it could make it into the game. rather then change the stats of units under the wing of the devvs in directions they may not want to take the game.

you need to befriend the devs not bully them

the devs have put allot of time into this.. it belongs to googlefrog i believe but that being said its a community project too so if you help provide good aditions they can be incorperated.

you can start like me with simple edits.. then move onto propper mods like future wars.. or make maps or unit models.. or widgets.. special effects.. anything.. even if the things you make are not great its experience and you will improve over time just like playing the game.
+1 / -0

9 months ago
and yes, i will bully the devs if they don't implement the changes :)

devs, asylum this nonsense
+2 / -0

9 months ago
no worries, I won't do anything I haven't done to the devs before. If you've seen how I act before, you can't expect me to do more. so, i'll just make small comments on the devs' incompetence from time to time ^v^
+0 / -2
i think its a mistake and disrespectful to call it incompetance. in your own mind your world makes sense.. and so the choices that others make can feel arrogant. but the fact is that other people like you have preferances and opinions. imagine if you had made your own game exactly as you have described above.. but then along comes googlefrog in this alternate dimention.. and he speaks to you in the same way. because he feels that your design choices are incorrect. are you capable of understanding this conceptualy? how differnt opinions dont have to be anhialating but can exsist symbioticaly. kind of like how a banana doesnt make mangoes a bad fruit because they both bring there own variety. even if your game mode was amazing it doesnt have to be in conflict with zero-k. zero-k is very popular.

i suggest you stop going to war with what zero-k is and instead you modify the game using unit tweaks and release a game mode that can compliment the game without conflict.

look how simple some of your preferances are to tweak..
"Vandal - Insta-hits air units that are inside a shield"

shieldaa  = {
weaponDefs = {
startVelocity = 100000,

i know it doesnt realy check on being inside shield.. i believe changes like that require scripting. this is above my level. you could aproach shaman with a commision offer. or start with something simple and learn lua.

also fellon shreds air already.. =P

i would do it for you but im working on finishing and fixing many mods and i have multiple mod requests.
+1 / -0

9 months ago
I'm okay with getting eye for an eye'd. uwu
+0 / -1
i dont understand? are you looking for trouble? or do you actualy want to create content.. if you want your ideas in the game you have to work with people. become allies. googlefrog is not your enemy and he has made a wonderful game.

maybe branch your idea off into a mod rather then being angry that this wonderful game is not yours alone to control

Edit: 'needs link' can be used along with fellon style weapon rework to make the aa insta hit when linked inside shields. so atleast in part your modification can maybe be made with unit tweaks alone. if you got started now within 1 week you could probably make the mode you wanted.
+1 / -0

2 months ago
... I... realized that I have no idea what 'bullying means.' After 7 months. Holy, the informational hazard lies and deception are erasing parts of the modern dictionary...



Don't mind this post....
+2 / -0