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Post edit history

The Shieldbot Update

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/18/2024 3:20:52 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/17/2024 5:28:00 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/17/2024 5:24:22 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
6/17/2024 5:17:14 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 i think you mean pester or harass the devs. . bully would be an attack. . you dont mean to say attack. . your making a joke about nagging. . winging is along the same lines. . its when your asking relentlessly. . so its not an attack because you can be ignored. . where as to bully is to hurt the feelings of others and this becomes hard to ignore but is also an act of evil 1 i think you mean pester or harass the devs. . bully would be an attack. . you dont mean to say attack. . your making a joke about nagging. . winge or whine is along the same lines. . its when your asking relentlessly. . so its not an attack because you can be ignored. . where as to bully is to hurt the feelings of others and this becomes hard to ignore but is also an act of evil
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3 you must respect that this game belongs to those who devoted time, code and assets they decide things. if you want to get more involved with the design you could model a unit and comunicate your desires perhaps if your willing to compromise and form a friendship with the devs it could make it into the game. rather then change the stats of units under the wing of the devvs in directions they may not want to take the game. 3 you must respect that this game belongs to those who devoted time, code and assets they decide things. if you want to get more involved with the design you could model a unit and comunicate your desires perhaps if your willing to compromise and form a friendship with the devs it could make it into the game. rather then change the stats of units under the wing of the devvs in directions they may not want to take the game.
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5 you need to befriend the devs not bully them 5 you need to befriend the devs not bully them
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7 the devs have put allot of time into this.. it belongs to googlefrog i believe but that being said its a community project too so if you help provide good aditions they can be incorperated. 7 the devs have put allot of time into this.. it belongs to googlefrog i believe but that being said its a community project too so if you help provide good aditions they can be incorperated.
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9 you can start like me with simple edits.. then move onto propper mods like future wars.. or make maps or unit models.. or widgets.. special effects.. anything.. even if the things you make are not great its experience and you will improve over time just like playing the game. 9 you can start like me with simple edits.. then move onto propper mods like future wars.. or make maps or unit models.. or widgets.. special effects.. anything.. even if the things you make are not great its experience and you will improve over time just like playing the game.